Saturday, August 31, 2019
Hospitality Across Culture
Hospitality is the relationship between guest and host, or the act or practice of being hospitable. When coming to another country, we always want to make a good impression to the native people like showing them our hospitality. But sometimes, because of different culture our hospitality is considered as offence.So what should we do in this case?In case study, a typical situation surprised me. The American manager by the name of Bill Morris just simply want to show his emplyees in France his hospitality. He decided to throw a party for the whole office. His intention was pretty good. He thought it would be a good way to get accquainted with everyone in a less formal environment. Then, people with know that he is an open person and easy to talk. However, this wasn’t work.His employees didn’t think like that and just in a negative way.In French employess’s thought, their boss was showing off his money by inviting them to his elegent apartment. They felt strange and uncomfortable in his home as well as socializing together. Certainly, Morris didn’t make a good impression to his employees.The situation gave me knowledge of America and France hospitality culture in : socialize with employess from different levels of the company, role of the boss in the social life of the office, style of entertaining colleagues, different about socialiszing with friends and collagues, common ways of socialising with business colleagues. This is two different country with different culture, working style : formal and informal. It’s not easy to mix them. In solving situation tasks, our class was discuss to help Morris able to adapt to the social ways of his French employees. We all think he should learn about France culture, shouldn’t so formal with his colleagues to build his presigate. He should care to his working style, languages using, attitudes †¦Above all, following French culture will make his employees respect him and feel heâ₠¬â„¢s more familiar to them. Step by step, they’ll sure understand his good intention and have a good point of view on him.Hospitality across culture isn’t simply at all. It requires a certain knowledge about culture and ways to apply it appropriately. This situation reminds me a famous saying : ‘When in Rome, do as the Romans do.’ Obviously when you come another country, the native people expect you to do as their culture. This will make they feel that you searched and interested in their culture before and respect it. Getting to know about eachother culture is a simply way to communicate people from all over the world. This is a chance to widen your knowledge, open your working opportunity, build relationship across border.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Multiple Regression Analysis
Multiple regression analysis was used to measure the relationship between the cost of equity capital and the independent and control variables. It was found that the cost of equity capital is relatively lower when the index of CSR disclosure is higher, reason being immense CSR implementation minimizes the general risk of a company. It was concluded that CSR disclosure in the company's annual reports reduces the cost of capital by reducing information asymmetry and subsequently reducing company's risk which benefits both the investors and speculators. According to Baimukhamedova and Luchaninova (2017) who examined the relationship between corporate disclosure and cost of equity capital on a sample of 37 largest and most liquid firms listed at Kazakhstan Stock Exchange for period 2008 to 2014, the study used multiple linear regression models. The findings indicated that firms with higher level of financial transparency are associated with significantly lower cost of equity capital. The results shown that firm on the Kazakhstan market reduce their cost of equity capital by increasing the level of their voluntary corporate disclosure. Moreover Stanwick (1998) studied the relationship between corporate disclosure and organizational size, financial performance and environmental performance. The objective of the study was to examine the relationship between social performance of the organization and the environmental performance of the organization. Data was collected from 1987 to 1992 and descriptive design was used. Corporate reputation index was constructed. The findings were that social performance was indeed impacted by the size of the firm, the financial performance of the firm and amount of pollution emissions released by the firms. 2.3.3 Corporate Social Responsibility Voluntary Disclosure and the Cost of Equity CapitalA study by Hossain and Hammami (2009) purported that financial results released are the foundation of an organization's budget and performances. The analysis involves comparing a firms performance with that of the others firms in the same industry and evaluating trends over time. Financial analysis involves the use of simple mathematical techniques, an understanding and appreciation of business strategy and future prospects through and examination of financial statements. Financial ratios play a key role in financial management. The extent to which a firm's uses debt financing is what is called financial leverage. Also Botosan and Plumlee (2002) investigated the relationship between cost of capital and annual reports disclosure, timely disclosure (quarterly or other published reports) and investors relations disclosures, they found a negative association for the annual report disclosure, their research showed that the cost of capital is positively related to timely reporting actions which could be attributed to the fact that timely disclosure increase the volatility of the share price by attracting transient investors who trade aggressively on short term earning , however they did not find association between cost of equity financing and investor relations disclosures. In evaluating the relationship between information asymmetry and financing methods (debt and equity financing) of firms listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange from year 2003 to 2010, Mahdi, Vahab and Hamin (2015), found that there no significant relationship between information and debt financing though information asymmetry is positively associated with debt financing, however there was a significant positive relationship between information asymmetry and equity financing. The study was done using secondary dataset of 61 firms were explored where debt and equity financing methods were adopted where data was extracted from financial statements of sample firms and was analyzed in excel and stata. The result of the study showed. In this study used stata and excel. Another study by Mangena, Jing and Tauringana (2016) investigated whether Intellectual capital and financial disclosure jointly affect the firms cost of capital for 125 UK firms listed on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) representing firms across industries from March 2004 to February 2015, data for measuring disclosure are drawn from annual reports. They used descriptive approach as their study methodology. The study found that IC disclosure is negatively related to the cost of equity, the relationship between financial disclosure and the cost of equity capital is magnified when combined with the IC disclosures. It was also observed that IC and financial disclosure interacts on the effects of the cost of equity capital, the analysis of this interactions demonstrates that the effect of financial disclosure on the cost of equity capital is augmented for firm characterized by medium level of IC disclosure. Used stataIn their study, Francis, Nanda and Olsson, (2002) investigated the relation among voluntary disclosure, earning quality and cost of capital. The study was done in Chicago, USA on 677 firms' annual reports and 10-K filings in the fiscal year 2001 using self constructed index of coded items. It was noted that firms with good earning quality have more expansive voluntary disclosure than firms with poor earning quality, on unconditional tests, it was found that more voluntary disclosure is associated with lost cost of capital, however on complementary association between disclosure and earning quality it was noted that the disclosure effect on the cost of capital is substantially reduced or disappear completely. Additionally, Cerf (1961) investigated the relationship between voluntary disclosure of information and the level of profitability, size of the firm and its shareholders in the US market. The methodology used was descriptive approach which focused on analyzing the association between voluntary disclosure of information and the level of profitability on annual reports of 25 different companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange, he found a positive relationship between voluntary disclosure of information and the level of profitability, size of the firm and its shareholders. 2.3.4 Board Size Information voluntary disclosure and Cost of Equity CapitalIn examining the effect of board independence and voluntary disclosure on the cost of equity capital, Setiany et al. (2007) showed that there is a significant relationship between voluntary disclosure and firm's cost of equity capital. The study employed regression analysis on secondary data from companies listed in indonesian Stock Exchange during the period of 2009 to 2012 on a sample of 104 companies in the manufacturing sector. The study concluded that there is no relationship between board independence and cost of equity capital, however the results. However Khemakhem and Naciri (2015) examined the association between board and audit characteristics and the cost of equity capital in Canadian market. The methodology used descriptive statistics on a sample of 139 firm year observation from proxy circulars, proxy statements and annual reports of Canadian companies that were part of S/P & TSX for the period 2004 to 2006. The study found that the size of audit committee and non-duality of the chairman of the board are positively related to the cost of equity capital, also the study revealed that the independence and board size do not affect the cost of capital for firms in the sample. Fauzi and Locke (2012) investigated the role of board structure and the effect of ownership structure on firm performance of New Zealand listed firms. The study employed balanced panel methodology on 79 New Zealand listed firms, it also employed Generalized Linear Model (GLM) to analysis data from annual reports of listed firms for the period of 2007 to 2011.the results of the study show that the board of directors, board committee and managerial ownership have a positive and significant impact on the firm performance. While Hasan et al. (2009) examined the impact of ownership structure and corporate governance on capital structure using a sample of 58 randomly selected non-financial listed companies from Karachi Stock Exchange for the period 2002 to 2005. Data was analyzed using multivariate regression analysis under fixed model approach. The results show that board size is significantly related to capital structure. However, non executive directors on board and CEO/Chair duality have no significant relationship with capital structure. Similarly, Jaradat (2015) investigate the effect of board size, board gender, outside director and CEO duality on the capital structure in Jordanian firms. Observation was done on 129 firms for the period 2009 to 2013. Multiple regression analysis was employed to test the association of secondary data collected from yearly annual reports. The results showed a positive association between board size, board diversity and outside directors and the capital structure, however for CEO duality and capital structure there was no significant relationship. 2.4 Conceptual framework This section will deal with operationalization of variables of the study, measures of voluntary disclosure and measure of the cost of equity capital. Independent variables Dependant Variables VariableIn this study the dependent variable is the cost of equity capital while the independent variables also referred as voluntary disclosure are the general corporate and strategic disclosure, forward-looking disclosure, social and board disclosure and financial disclosure (Barako, 2007) CHAPTER THREE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction This chapter discusses the methods and procedures to employ to conduct the study. This chapter presents details of the research design, population, sampling and sampling procedures data collection methods, data analysis technique data and instruments for data analysis. 3.2 Research Design Research design is the framework the research intends to follow. It describes the nature and pattern the research intends to follow (Makerere University, 2011). Ogula (2005) describe a research design as a plan, structure and strategy of investigation to obtain answers to research questions and control variance. This study will adopt descriptive research design as it describe the characteristic and association voluntary disclosure and cost of equity capital of firms listed at NSE. Based on the secondary data to be obtained from annual reports and accounts of companies quoted in the NSE and company website. The choice of descriptive is motivated by the fact that it involves gathering data, observing and describing the behavior of the data without influencing it in any way (Bryman, 2001). This will be appropriate in the study since it will establish the effect of voluntary disclosure on the cost of equity capital. 3.3 Target Population Mugenda and Mugenda (2009) define a population as sum of all the items considered under a study. According to Ngechu (2004) a population is a well defined set of people, services, elements events or households that are being investigated. The target population for this study will consist of 64 firms listed in NSE (CMA, 2017), however consideration will only be on those which have been continuously trading since 2011 without being suspension or delisting 3.4 Sample Size and Sampling Procedure A sample is sub-group of the target population chosen by the researcher to represent other members of the target population (Amin, 2004). Sampling is the process, technique and procedure of choosing a sub-group from a population to participate in the study. Oso and Onen, 2009) stated that there are two main ways of selecting study sample from the target population, probability and non-probability sampling technique. The study will apply purposive sampling technique to select companies to be included in the study. Kothari (2004) stated that in purposive sampling technique an element is selected though subjectively defined method where the researcher personal judgments play an important role. An optimum sample is one which fulfils the requirements of efficiency, representativeness, reliability and flexibility. The study will comprise of a sample of 20 firms from NSE 20 share index selected based on a weighted market performance in the year 2017 (NSE, 2017). 3.5 Instrumentation and Data Collection Creswell (2008) argues prior to research, a researcher ought to develop a data collection instruments which is meant to measure, observe data under investigation. The study will use Disclosure Check Index (DCI) as the principal instrument for data collection of voluntary disclosure information. According to Mugenda and Mugenda (2009),
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Research Design Essay
In determining a research question it is important to know that this is the most critical aspect of the research. The research question will define the process, it will also guide the direction of the arguments and inquiries. The research question will provoke the interest of the reviewer. When there is a research question that does not work, it does not matter how strong the research is, it will be unsuccessful. In order to write a strong research question, it takes time. It is important to determine what lead you to the topic. Why does it matter? Start to formulate the questions by following the interest in the research question. A lot of time should be spent on researching and writing about the anticipated project. I have chosen bullying laws, should the state or federal government put laws into place to prevent bullying. This is important to me because it is something that I can relate to. Bullying has received a lot of attention in a lot of school shooting and other related incidents of violence. Bullying is a serious issue and is worth of rational attention, awareness and action. My hypothesis will be, bullying has become a major problem in schools and has been shown to lead to a lot of problems, even later in life. Bullying has become something that a lot of people have been thinking about and is something that has received a lot of different forms of attention. But, this is something that will be explored in elementary students, to put it better, why do certain students become bullies. This hypothesis is definitely both null and alternate because the null hypothesis states that just because the null hypothesis is not rejected does not mean that the statement is true. For example, some people believe that kids will be kids so it is no big deal, but that is why it is important to pin point why the child is doing what he/she is doing. The alternate studies different avenues when exploring the hypothesis. This hypothesis I believe is a quantitative design. I think this because the quantitative design s a formal, objective, systematic process for obtaining information about the world. A method is used to describe, test relationships, and examine the cause and effect relationships. So, when determining whether certain laws should be in place is always something that should be formal and systematic. The cause and effect relationship could be that bullying sometimes cause deaths which is the effect of bullying. This hypothesis is a descriptive design. Typical descriptive design examines the characteristics of a single sample. The hypothesis relates to comparative descriptive design because it compares two or more groups that occur naturally in a setting, while exploring differences. A case study is something that will need to be done in order to test the hypothesis. A case study is an intensive exploration of a single unit of study such as, the person, the family, the group, the community or the institution. Nominal scale is basically a way to categorize or group behavior. This is when the actual numbers are simple labels and identifiers. For example, if you wanted to know who endures the most bullying, you can separate them into female aggression and male aggression and then label the groups â€Å"1†and â€Å"2. †Ordinal scales are more precise than nominal scales. An ordinal scale is basically a set of rankings. So when using the ordinal scale you can put kids in to a ranking by popularity. You can have the kids placed in groups by the number of friends that they have. So those who don’t have any friends will be 1 and those having more than one friend will be 2 and so on. The interval scale is the same as the ordinal scale, but just showing differences of those 1 and 2 on an interval scale is the same as the difference between 4 and 5. Descriptive statistics are important because if presented with raw data it would be difficult to visualize what is showing in the data. This is especially true when there is a lot of data to read. Descriptive statistics will enable the data to present it in a meaningful way. This will allow for a less complex interpretation of the data. For example if we polled 100 students on whether or not they have ever been bullied, we may be interested in the overall behavior of those students. We would be interested in the gender and age of those students. Descriptive statistics will allow us to be able to do this. It will allow us to accurately describe data through statistics and graphs in a vital subject and to be discussed in other guides. There are many times when we do not have access to the entire population that you are interested in investigating. For example you might be interested in the bullying in the UK. It is not reasonable to measure all the bullying in the schools in the UK. It would be more logical to measure smaller samples of students, like 100 students, which will be used to represent the larger population group of students in the UK. I believe that descriptive statistics would be a better choice for this study. Frequency distribution shows the summarized grouping of data, it is divided into mutual select classes.
Conceptual models used in mental health nursing when interviewing Essay
Conceptual models used in mental health nursing when interviewing client , nurse and doctor - Essay Example f the interviews should explore the nature of the service users crisis; the assumed cause(s) of the service users crisis and ‘what the respondents believe needs to be done’ about the service user’s crisis. You have been provided with this workbook in which to document the information that you gather from all three interviews. Please write down the questions that you asked and the responses that were given. This information will then be summarised and presented to a group of peers and an assessor in your PBL 1 assessment The service user in his own opinion believes that he suffers from some sort of depression. He claims that his problems at the moment were that he was suffering from anxiety and in the morning panic attack. He believes that this response was because he is worried about his father ie if dad pass away who is going to take care of me. when asked if he did have any auditory hallucination he went on to say that he did here voices but did not want to talk more about it. I started with the humanistic approach so as to make the client at ease and for him to be able to express himself more. I then went onto the medical model to try to figure out what he was suffering. Some data from the interview give evidence service user has p[sychotic symptoms, e.g. auditory hallucinations. There is acknowledged that patients with mental disorders are not able to percept their condition critically and usually underestimate the severity of disease. This patient believes he has depressive state thus he is ready to perceive the model of â€Å"sick person†and wish to regain his health. There is known that psychotic symptoms in schisophrenia could be related to dopaminergic hyperactivity in the brain structures. Thus medical interventions based on the use of antidopaminergic drugs (e.g. Ziprasidone (Geodon), Quetiapine (Seroquel) could be effective in the disease management. It seems that the psychotic symptoms reported by the client have the endogenic origin, i .e.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Business Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Business Paper - Essay Example Through this memorandum, I have given you the details of the law and have broken them down to a level that makes it more straightforward and understandable. You should make a decision about which way you would like to fix this issue as soon as possible. This will ensure that justice is pursued and attained accordingly. Reviewing and evaluating the legal aspects of decisions made at different situations is of paramount importance especially in this environment that is characterized by trickery and lies. Thus although your intentions towards charitable donations are geared towards enhancing the good of the society, relative relationships and agreements that you enter into need to be defined by legal provisions. From a legal point of view, it cannot be disputed that you were misled by Integral Health Facility into paying them that particular amount of money. This action raises various legal concerns regarding parole evidence, specific performance, recession and so forth. Undoubtedly, th e health facility breached the contract and the legal implications of this are diverse. Although factual information regarding these has been analyzed in the preceding segment, the final decision with respect to the legal measures to take is still yours. The problem To understand the legal implications that are related to your case, it is important to acknowledge the legal dimensions of this case. These provide useful insights regarding the bone of contention and enable you to make informed decisions. Respective understanding will for instance help you to understand the far you can go with regards to taking practical steps to address this legal concern. From the information provided, it cannot be disputed that you actually wanted to build a cancer health facility in remembrance of your mother. After being informed by Integral Health Center that they had plans to build a similar facility, you requested them to allow you finance the project and have it named after your mother upon com pletion. According to you, Integral Health Center wholeheartedly agreed to this proposition and you made the payments accordingly. You signed a contract which did not indicate that the facility would be named after your mother. However, you talked with the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) about the naming ceremony that was set to take place once the institution was completed. Probably, you presumed that these provisions would be effected regardless of not having been documented in the contract. However, the institution did not begin the construction and after your first inquiry, it promised to start constructing after three months. This was not effected and at this point, you met the Chief Executive Officer. It is at this point that the CEO informed you that the institution’s decision to build the facility was not firm and that it was not going to pursue it. The CEO however promised that the financial resources were going to be used on another equally important project. The bone of contention in this respect is the institution’s failure to build the facility, even after receiving money from you. Your claim is that the institution builds the facility and names it after your mother as agreed upon. From this case, there are various legal concerns that arise. The Notion of Fraud in the Case To understand the element of fraud in this case, it would be important for you to be conversant with the legal constituents of this malpractice. To begin with, there needs to be a false statement in the entire scenario1. This is
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
US History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
US History - Essay Example esulted into an strong sentiments against Britain, the second part discusses the revolution and how revolution failed to provide the desired result to all segments of the society and last section is about the political ideologies. This paper will discuss the historical events which took place since 1750s and how they reshaped the American history. Right from seven years war to the ideological conflicts between Hamiltonians and Jeffersonian regarding how the constitution of the country should be shaped, this paper will discuss as to how different factors resulted into the independence of United States. American Revolution is considered as one of the most significant events in history which radically changed everything. The involvement of different international players of that time has made the even as one of the significant events however, before the event can took place, there was a historical process which actually led America to the point of revolution. One of the key reasons for the expansion of colonies in the region was the systematic expulsion of Native Americans from the region. Further expansion also took place due to the disease, depopulation, war as well as the trade of Indian slaves. It is also important to understand that during 1750s and era before than, the region was critically controlled by three forces i.e. British, Spain and France and it was the continuous struggle between these powers which actually shaped the future course of history in the region. (Boyer, Clifford and Sandra) The overlapping interests of Spain, France and Britain therefore led to what is now called Seven years war. What is important to understand however, is the fact that this war actually redefined the relationships between different political entities within the region? Both, Britain as well as France sought the support of Native Americans. The initial efforts by Britain were overthrown by the French however, French were overpowered and Britain finally succeeded in
Monday, August 26, 2019
Assessment on the Effectiveness of Environmental Management in the UAE Assignment
Assessment on the Effectiveness of Environmental Management in the UAE - Assignment Example Being another fundamental element of the â€Å"Right of Environment†, in UAE, the people/citizens, whether directly impacted or not from any environmental nuisances/problems, have the possibility to ask the relevant public authorities to stop the problem and also to open a case at the courts demanding the prevention/stopping the environmental nuisances. This possibility plays an effective role for the protection and enhancement of the environmental quality in UAE. Just like any other problems and disturbances, people have the right to report and question why an environmental issue is not being corrected. If they do not get help, the citizens can use the legal channels or courts to have the problems sorted out. If the concept of â€Å"aim†is to be defined as the â€Å"idealistic end-points†to be achieved/reached and the concept of â€Å"objective/target†is the quantifiable/measurable/concrete end-point†to be achieved/reached in numerical terms, then it can be stated that the aims and the objectives/targets of environment management of emirates and municipalities are determined in UAE. â€Å"The command and control strategy†including the functions of â€Å"enforcement of environmental rules and norms†and also â€Å"compliance management†by the federal government has been effectively regulated and put into implementation in UAE. â€Å"The command and control strategy†including the functions of â€Å"enforcement of environmental rules and norms†and also â€Å"compliance management†by the emirates has been effectively regulated and put into implementation in UAE. The other important environmental management strategy, â€Å"voluntary compliance strategy†(such as â€Å"the British Standard 7750†, â€Å"Eco-Management and Auditing Regulation†of the EU) has been regulated and put into implementation in UAE. â€Å"The Economic and Financial Tools of Environmental
Sunday, August 25, 2019
DEVELOPING BUSINESS PROCESSES & OPERATIONS - Essay Example In addition, operations management provides an organization with the criteria for imposing by the market where company operates, according to Slack, Alistair and Robert (2013). Bamford and Forrester (2010) define the aim of operations management to cover the process of decision making and enable organization to develop its strategies. It strives to allow the company to satisfy the needs of stakeholders, foster the long-term success and understand how, where and what for the operations should be located, its resources and relationships are established. To be effective in terms of product or service design, developing or manufacturing, delivering and satisfying customers’ needs, an organization or company needs to efficiently manage its operations that would enable it to achieve more benefit from the services and products its produces. Moreover, high quality of these products and services and cost-available position should also be taken into account. For that purpose operational management is an important line management as it helps organization to display its best performance through coordinating and controlling of the resources needed for design, production and operation of business that at the same time give a company to obtain the highest level of efficiency and value add (Waters & Waters, 2002). Operational management of Swedish company that designs and sells ready-to-assemble furniture, appliances, small vehicles and home accessories is the best example of how its effective management led to the success. One of the world’s largest furniture retailers, the turnover of the company is close to four billion dollars. The company’s major idea is to provide the high-quality furniture and accessories at a low price to enable each individual to purchase them. Ikea is also known for its sophisticated design, logistics and distribution concepts (Larcon,
Saturday, August 24, 2019
City of Temecula History Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
City of Temecula History - Term Paper Example The rancheria [ranchos-missions] at Temecula housed a granary and a chapel, the granary making it the ‘most important dependency of the prosperous Mission San Luis Rey’†(Bibb para. 2). It is accepted that the region included a coastal area, interior plains for planting all bounded by mountains. The exact location of the original town â€Å"pueblo†of Temecula as has been said is in dispute, however according to an 1860 census the town designated as Temecula was home to â€Å"300 inhabitants and forty adobes†(Bibb para. 6). The name is generally applied to a region adjacent to San Diego. Survey maps from 1860 place Temecula in the near vicinity of Vignes Rancho and Pendleton. (Bibb para. 15) According to Bibb, the Indians were formally evicted from [what is acknowledged to be] Temecula in the late 1800s, along with other tribes in the area, victims of economics and political strife between Californios (Mexicans) and the Americans. â€Å"The present-day town of Temecula lies three and one half miles northwest of the original indian village and is a product of the now defunct railroad built in the 1880s, which ran from San Bernardino to San Diego†(Bibb para. 7). The Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, by which the United States acquired the southwest territory from Mexico, was signed on February 2, 1848, ushering in the end of the golden era of the ranchos. Farris provides an accurate description of the fate of original inhabitants of the Temecula Valley pertinent to the Luisenos and others. By the early 1800s plans to dissolve the missions [secularization] as communities in favor of selling off land to private interests was well underway. â€Å"With the arrival in 1833 of the Mexican appointee, General Jose Figueroa, [Governor] the final implementation of a plan for the widespread secularization of the missions was completed. The process of emancipation of the Indians and dividing up the land
Friday, August 23, 2019
Small Scale Digital Device Forensics Lab Project Essay
Small Scale Digital Device Forensics Lab Project - Essay Example With all the talks about advancement in phone technology, security remains an integral part of daily requirements as far as the end user is concerned. The smart phone enables this function and allows backups on an external source. Most of the data on your BlackBerry smart phone, including email messages, organizer data, fonts, saved searches, and browser bookmarks, can be backed up and restored using the BlackBerry Desktop Software and your computer. That way you have total access to your files during a failure of the system or theft. To carry out the backup, you ensure your smart phone is connected to the computer using the USB Port. When this is done follower the simple steps: In the applications folder of the computer, select blackberry desktop software. Select the backup icon displayed at the top of the screen. Perform one of the following: 1. Select ‘all data’ to backup all the data on the smart phone 2. ... Finally, select the backup command button Note: With the encryption, you may be prompted to include a password. The BlackBerry Enterprise Server for Lotus Domino is capable of influencing the performance of the Lotus Domino Server. The leverage ability causes a minimal increase in server versatility as a result of its addition to an existing enterprise. The load associated with enabling mail users in a BlackBerry solution is centralized on the BlackBerry Enterprise Server. The BlackBerry Enterprise Server, using the Domino application programming interface (API), maintains cached sessions with each mail server on which BlackBerry users reside. Because of the nature of the polling model, in which the BlackBerry Enterprise Server opens each user's mailbox to check for new messages at a regular interval, session caching avoids the overhead associated with creating and tearing down a session at each interval. From the Domino mail server's perspective, the activity generated by the BlackB erry Enterprise Server is similar to the activity of an active user or another Domino server accessing it for replication; it is just another Notes Remote Procedures Call (NRPC) session. At each polling interval, the BlackBerry Enterprise Server performs the following steps to check for new messages and, if required, deliver them to the BlackBerry handheld: 1. The BlackBerry Enterprise Server verifies that the mail database has changed since the last polling interval. Using a lightweight API call, the BlackBerry Enterprise Server quickly determines if further analysis of the mail file is required. 2. If the database has changed, the BlackBerry Enterprise Server uses another API call to enumerate all new or modified documents in
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Twelve Angry Men Intros Essay Example for Free
Twelve Angry Men Intros Essay Set in the summer of 1957, Reginald Roses play, Twelve Angry Men, highlights the importance of speaking out for what is right. Rose demonstrates through characterisation that prejudice and preconceptions can conceal the truth. From the inception, Rose presents a biased jury who is convinced of the boys guilt based on preconceived notions. However it is through Juror 8, that Rose advocates that justice and fairness can prevail over prejudice if just one virtuous person is willing to speak out. Juror 8 is depicted as the epitome of a fair and conscientious juror who is prepared to stand alone in order to ensure a fair verdict is delivered. Although the other jurors initially lacked equity, they discover their inner voice through Juror 8 and are able to deliver a legitimate verdict. Twelve Angry Men demonstrates the weakness of the jury system. Do you agree? Reginald Roses play,Twelve Angry Men, highlights not only the fragility of the jury system, but also its strength. Rose presents to the audience that it is more by luck than legal support that the accused was acquitted, therefore implying that the jury system is flawed. Initially Rose presents a biased jury who is convinced of the boys guilt based on preconceived notions. This emphasises a major flaw of the jury system, being that prejudice can obscure the truth. In addition, the jurors votes are also influenced heavily by their own personal backgrounds. This is evident in Juror 3 and 10 especially. However it is through Juror 8s virtuous motives of finding a reasonable doubt that ensured a just verdict was delivered. Juror 8 was the only person able to look past personal prejudices from the beginning, and through perseverance was able to guide other fellow jurors to deliberate honestly and thoughtfully. Thus, Rose shows the audience that the jury system is capable of securing justice.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms as Human Disease Markers Essay Example for Free
Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms as Human Disease Markers Essay In using single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) to match subtle DNA changes with an individual’s susceptibility to a disease of interest, one can start by distinguishing the suspect DNA from a preset standard using the technique of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). In this method, copies of extracted and purified DNA are made using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) before being cut up by preselected restriction endonucleases, and the resulting fragments subjected to electrophoresis. Once a suspect sequence in the fragments obtained is found, it can then be subjected to a sequencing technique that can pinpoint the nature of the SNP. One such method is Pyrosequencing, where a sequencing primer is prepended to the fragment under scrutiny and is mixed with a cocktail composed of a DNA polymerase, ATP sulfurylase, luciferase (the enzyme responsible for making luciferin in luminous animals glow), and apyrase, as well as luciferin and adenosine 5’-phosphosulfate (APS). Deoxyribonucleotide triphosphates (dNTPs, four in total, corresponding to the four DNA bases) are added, one by one, into the reaction mix. For each time a dNTP is added, the polymerase causes the incorporation of the dNTP into the strand at appropriate positions, if any are present, with the simultaneous release of pyrophosphate, in an amount that is equimolar to how much nucleotide was used in incorporation. The pyrophosphate reacts with the APS, catalyzed by ATP sulfurylase, to produce ATP which participates in the chemoluminescence reaction of luciferin and luciferase. The amount of visible light generated by the reaction is proportional to the amount of ATP generated, and this is recorded by a special camera and noted as a peak into what is called a Pyrogram. How much light is generated depends on how much dNTP was used up. Any unused dNTP and ATP present in the mix is degraded by the apyrase. The sequence of the fragment can then be read off from the peaks of the gradually being produced Pyrogram. Specially constructed software can then spot SNPs by comparing the Pyrogram of the fragment of interest with known Pyrograms. By using an â€Å"association study†, where people with the trait and a control group are compared with regards to the presence of â€Å"marker alleles†, or alleles that can be shown to be present only in people with the disease. SNPs are convenient for this purpose since SNPs are easily inheritable and occur usually more frequently in genes than the other possible variations. This is most useful for diseases that can be shown to be influenced by only a single gene, for association is difficult enough when done on a single gene. Accuracy in identification can be had by having the affected and the control be as closely related as possible, since differences that might be disease-related will be easier to spot. References: Ronagi, M. Elahi, E. (2002). Discovery of single nucleotide polymorphisms and mutations by Pyrosequencing. Comparative and Functional Genomics, 3(1), 51-56. Li, M., Boehnke, M., Abecasis, G. R. (2006). Efficient study designs for test of genetic association using sibship data and unrelated cases and controls, The American Journal of Human Genetics, 78, 778–792.
Concept of Nationality After Bolshevik Revolution
Concept of Nationality After Bolshevik Revolution SERHAT KESKÄN Before examining the policies about nationality question after Bolshevik Revolution, the concepts that we have should be well established. As a newly graduated sociologist, I try to explain having identity, nation, national identity in briefly. The reason behind my explanations is providing comprehensive understanding about social inclusion and exclusion. Having understood these terms under nationality, we can easily grasp Soviet Russian policies with hidden ideology while performing their plans. Although there are lots of academicians and theorist that engage in developing concepts of nationality, as a general term ; it is about sense of belonging in peoples’ life. Especially after WWI, the general atmosphere about the need of belonging to one large group in determined territory with their shared values and norms was getting more and more importance. It is like a way for unity of differences in administration at macro level. Nation is also basic social tool to humans for givi ng meaning to their social world. It is crucial to understand how people theorized their environment, social organization and how they perceived the existing differences among them as well as the other groups. As I said before, the way of realizing differences in one large group can cause social exclusion while they includes ones who share the same historical background, language ,culture etc. In that sense, The Bolsheviks had lived difficulties for getting social solidarity, unity because of its multicultural nature. In addition to its multicultural nature, there were also huge differences between ethnic groups and amongst them in terms of their religion, educational level, life styles etc in daily life that entails more attentions rather than condition of being multicultural in theoretical sense. In this context, Lenin’s idea over non-Russian people is so critical. The promotion of the right of nations to self determination is initially enough to non-Russian to come togethe r and convince them to gather under big umbrella. As a continuation of this, unlike imperial state’s discriminations on nationalities, Lenin’s attitude directed equal opportunities in politics. With providing this, the disparities in social life can also be overcome. Equality among all ethnic groups secure each cultural, language features preservation without coercion but via logic. It means getting rid of social exclusion that threat to continuation of Soviet regime. Designed to rise the proportion of the representatives of the native nationality in the local party and state management, the Soviet authorities followed the policy of indigenization, called as â€Å"korenizatsiia†. The Soviet regard indigenization as a method of â€Å"fighting backwardness†by constructing and associating these new Soviet folks with the hands of natives or to be called as the native elites. These elites were obliged to enlist as Communist party workers and were supposed to rise and develop the new lifestyle, particularly the recently approved national borders. Korenizatsiia, indigenization, led to the Soviet Union’s recent crisis of government among the non-Russians. The application of this policy in the time of displacing processed by industrialization increased the notability of non-Russian languages and cultures and established the essential social fundamentals for multiculturalism. The long term of permanent linguistic division was ensured b y the foundation of multiple formal languages and establishment of social fundamentals of support for the languages. Although these policies were aimed to rise the role of non-Russian natives in socializing their nation, the direct source of stress between the local people and the Soviets was the assignment given to the citizens of Central Asia. By the mid-1930s, the liberal language policies and the indigenization drive lasted which helped to enlist the reinforcement of vast regions of non-Russian people for the party and the Communist regime. One of the direct conclusions of the hardships assimilating the native people, The Central Asia Bureau shifted dramatically the indigenization policies in 1927. The emphasis was changed from working with and recruiting the ethnic people to hiring individuals who were able to speak the official language. Ethnic Russians and Europeans now a competition about native people, supplying that they had sufficient linguistic skill. This change altered the purpose of the whole indigenization process from establishing a self-sustaining native Soviet government to simply creating a government which is a practical and well-functioning entity. From 1933 to 1938, the indigenization, korenizatsiia, was not exactly abolished. Its requirements were not enforced anymore. Evacuation of leaderships of the national republics and territories began, as well. The non- Russians had provoked the national strife and suppressed the Russians and the other minorities in the republics. The local elites were the recruited agents and their aim was to dismember the Soviet Union. When the indigenization failed obviously to the Central Asian republics, the resentment of the Soviet regime spread widely. It was declared by Stalin that native nationalism was an even more hazardous threat than â€Å"Russian chauvinism†, against which the indigenization policies were aimed to fight at the beginning. All over the Soviet Union, the attempts to indigenize n on-Russians community were withdrawn and changed with policies supporting Russian Soviet applications. All the other languages taught in schools were replaced with Russian, the local language, and the concentrated point altered from Republic welfare to Union welfare. The stress was turned backward and the local nationalism was regarded as a larger threat. The needs for international alliance of proletarians were changed by the new incorporating ideology of soviet patriotism and by the leader’s belief. Parelel to these explanations, we can easily say that Connor criticizes the hegemony of being Russian in ethnic group, politics and language as a communication medium. Although nationalities policies were changing over time, these inequalities cannot be eliminated totally. Changing strategies cannot be considered as curative. Finally, I give effort to understand Slezkine’s analogy about Soviet Union. The writer describes Soviet Union as a communal apartment. If we want to understand this depiction, we should aware of the right of self determination. In this communal apartment, all national groups have their own room. In their room , they have rights to determine their internal affairs. With their separated room, they can maintain their cultural characteristics. I give meaning this analogy from daily life that is micro perspective. Now imagine a big apartment and inside it people from different backgrounds. They design their own rooms according to their taste. These preferences called tastes refer to their historical background, their lifestyles, educational level etc but the owner of this building is not one of these. Now think all of micro understanding in macro perspective that I said before. The tastes can be thought as cultural maintainers in their determined area. Nonetheless, I lived difficul ties to understand this analogy in its theoretical roots.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Crawling Inside the Mind of Shakespeares Hamlet Essay -- GCSE Coursew
Crawling Inside the Mind of Hamlet     Much of the dramatic action of Shakespeare’s tragedy, Hamlet is within the head of the main character, Hamlet.  His wordplay represents the amazing, contradictory, unsettled, mocking, nature of his mind, as it is torn by disappointment and positive love, as Hamlet seeks both acceptance and punishment, action and stillness, and wishes for consummation and annihilation. He can be abruptly silent or vicious; he is capable of wild laughter and tears, and also polite badinage. One of the first things which a reader learns about Hamlet is that he uses words with startling agility. He plays on words that sound alike, or nearly alike: King. But now, my cousin Hamlet, and my son-- Ham. A little more than kin, and less than kind. King. How is it that the clouds still hang on you? Ham. Not so, my lord; I am too much in the sun. (I.ii.64-67) The king withdraws from this exchange, and his mother begins more lovingly, on a different tack. But still Hamlet takes words that others have used and returns them changed or challenged: â€Å"Ay, madam, it is common./. . . Seems, madam? Nay, it is. I know not 'seems'†(I.ii.74-76). Although the prince is speaking in public, he uses verbal rhetorical devices most critics in Shakespeare's day would consider unseemly. Hamlet's first words are rhetorically complicated, and also challenging and puzzling. Does he pretend to be flippant or boorish in order to keep his thoughts to himself, or to contain his pain? Or does he express rational criticism in savagely sarcastic comments spoken only to himself? Or is the energy of his mind such that he thinks and speaks with instinctive ambiguity? Words are restless within his mind, changing meaning, sh... ...espeare, William. 1985. Hamlet. The New Cambridge Shakespeare edn, edited by Philip Edwards. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Vickers, Brian. 1993. Appropriating Shakespeare: Contemporary Critical Quarrels. New Haven and London: Yale University Press. Watson, Robert N. 1990. 'Giving up the Ghost in a World of Decay: Hamlet, Revenge and Denial.' Renaissance Drama 21:199-223. Wright, George T. 1981. 'Hendiadys and Hamlet.' PMLA 96:168-193. Shakespeare, William. The Tradegy of Hamlet Prince of Denmark. New York: Washington Square Press, 1992 Weiten, Wayne. Psychology: Themes and Variations, Fourth Editon. Boston: Brooks/Cole Publishing Co., 1998 Watson, Robert N. 1990. 'Giving up the Ghost in a World of Decay: Hamlet, Revenge and Denial.' Renaissance Drama 21:199-223. Wright, George T. 1981. 'Hendiadys and Hamlet.' PMLA 96:168-193.
Monday, August 19, 2019
The Presence and Justification of Autoeroticism in The Rocking-Horse Wi
D.H. Lawrence’s writings often mirror elements of his own life, though they contain decidedly fictitious components. The characters in Lawrence’s The Rocking- Horse Winner closely resemble his own family. Like Paul, Lawrence was seeking a way out of the misfortune of pre-war London living. Unlike Lawrence, Paul is already well-to-do. Paul’s search consists of a yearning for affection and acceptance. In The Rocking-Horse Winner a young boy finds a certain calling within himself that serves to vastly improve the standing of his entire family. However, Paul’s supernatural ability to choose the winners of horse races is but a cursory assessment of the story’s secrets. Digging deeper, the reader becomes aware of a darker meaning to Paul’s wild rides. There are two things are revealed throughout Paul’s character development; first, that he is seeking his mother’s affection. Secondly, in doing so, there is an apparent autoeroticis m linked to his seemingly innocent rocking-horse. Chief in the comprehension of Paul’s longing for motherly affection is having an understanding of Paul’s mother. She is generally a detached woman. Cold by most accounts, even her own, â€Å"only she herself [knows] that at the center of her heart [is] a hard little place that [can] not feel love, no, not for anybody†(Lawrence, 559). Paul’s mother feels the three children are a burden on an already cash strapped and unfulfilling relationship with her husband. Therefore, she is phony and removed where they are concerned. â€Å"She [has] bonny children, yet she [feels] they [have] been thrust upon her, and she [can] not love them [†¦] when her children [are] present, she always [feels] the center of her heart go hard†(Lawrence, 559). Symptoms of post-partum depr... ...nt Psychology: Individual Bases of Adolescent Development. Ed. Richard M. Lerner and Laurence D. Steinber. 3rd ed. Vol. 1. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, 2009. 576-81. Print Gioia, Dana. "The Rocking-Horse Winner." Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and Writing. By X. J. Kennedy. 11th ed. New York: Pearson Longman, 2010. 556-63. Print. Isaacs, Neil D. â€Å"The Autoerotic Metaphor in Joyce, Sterne, Lawrence, Stevens, and Whitman.†Literature and Psychology. 15th ed. 1965. 98-102. Print. Kazdin, Alan E. "Oedipus Complex." Encyclopedia of Psychology. Vol. 5. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, 2000. 494-96. Print. Lamson, Roy, et al., eds. â€Å"Critical Analysis of ‘The Rocking-Horse Winner.’†The Critical Reader. Rev. ed. New York: Norton, 1962. 52-6. Print. Widmer, Kingsley. The Art of Perversity. Seattle: Washington UP, 1962. Print.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
WWII survivor, Elie Wiesel Essay -- Auschwitz, indifference
Indifference; a lack of sympathy. This is a word of power that describes how a person may watch or know of violence that occurs, yet not take action till it is too late. WWII survivor, Elie Wiesel, creates a dramatic speech, The Perils of Indifference, in which this one word is presented to a group of world leaders. He provides valid examples of how it is our fault, as a united people, for the evil that revealed itself in the last era. One example used in his speech is Auschwitz, a German concentration camp where its prisoners were slaughtered with no remorse from their murderers. The author, though only mentioning this place once, captures his audience as they are silently reminded of what happened and how indifference is to blame for the disaster. Auschwitz is a grand example in Elie Wiesel’s speech and shows how indifference was to blame and that the world leaders are to blame, for this one concentration camp defines that one word with accurate evidence such as by what happ ened within its walls, how the nation leaders let Hitler’s Third Reich grow, and how they did not liberate or delay it before the lives of innocent people were exterminated The horrors in Auschwitz were dark and twisted, and he uses the emotional tension to show what we let happen within those walls. Prison doctors, such as Josef Mengele, would experiment on prisoners with new types of drugs, or in pressure chambers. Mengele also conducted multiple twin dissections and would often kill for no apparent reason other than intimidation, giving him the nickname â€Å"The Angel of Death†. Between medical barracks and crematorium stood the â€Å"Black Wall†, where German soldiers executed hundreds of prisoners. But the prisoners were not only captured Jews. All who opposed H... ...ow and expand before good prevails. It has been a trait passed down generation after generation and must be eradicated in order for our race to be at its fullest. Works Cited "Auschwitz." United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. N.p., 10 June 2013. Web. 13 Dec. 2013. . "Auschwitz Bombing Controversy." Jewish Virtual Library. American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise, n.d. Web. 12 Dec. 2013. . Bulow, Louis. "Gate to Hell, Auschwitz." Auschwitz, Nazi Death Camp. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Dec. 2013. . "Hitler's rise and fall: Timeline." The Open University. Open University, 26 Apr. 2005. Web. 9 Jan. 2014. .
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Colgate Max Fresh: Global Brand Roll-Out Essay
Executive Summary The United States, Mexican and Chinese markets all took very different approaches to the release of Colgate-Palmolive’s (CP) newest oral care product in 2004-2005. The new toothpaste is called Colgate Max Fresh (CMF). It is a cavity preventing gel with breath-freshening strips suspended in it that dissolve while consumers brush their teeth. The technology behind the breath strips is patented, and Colgate was hoping the product would be a big success by providing unique freshness. In the United States, research was done and new bottling was designed to optimize the appearance of the new toothpaste. The advertising was also focused on the freshness that result from the breath strips and the product was very successful. CP then decided to release the product worldwide. In Mexico the ad campaign was changed as well as a few other minor changes, but not much was spent on altering the marketing mix for CMF. Colgate Max Fresh proved popular in Mexico and profits were seen in the firs t two years. In China, millions were spent on reconfiguring the marketing mix, and sales were not high enough to make up for the expenses in either of the first two years. In the first year alone, CMF saw a net loss of over $10 million. I have evaluated three options for reducing costs and increasing sales and have determined that the Chinese marketers decided to change the marketing mix too quickly. Instead of looking into what aspects of the U.S. marketing mix would and would not work in China, they made assumptions. The advertising campaign that they came up with was expensive and ineffective. Chinese consumer preferences should have been highlighted in the promotional campaign, and more elements from the original U.S. marketing mix that were costly to â€Å"improve†might not have needed to be changed at all. Current Situation Colgate-Palmolive (CP) is a worldwide company that specializes in oral, personal, and home care, as well as pet nutrition. Of particular interest in this case is oral care. Colgate is an oral care name that is known around the world. Colgate-Palmolive has the majority value share in the United States, Mexico, and China. In each country, Procter and Gamble’s (P&G) Crest toothpastes are ranking second in market value share. In Mexico, the difference between PC and P&G is huge – PC has market share above 80%. However, in the U.S. and China the market shares are very close: In 2004, Colgate had 34.8% and Crest had 31.6% value shares in the U.S.; in China Colgate had 23.6%, Colgate through partnerships had an additional 8.5%, and Crest had 21.2% shares. CP management was pressured to compete hard against Crest’s new product called Crest Whitening Expressions (CWE). In August 2004 CP launched a new toothpaste product called Colgate Max Fresh (CMF) in the United States. CMF was advertised as premium toothpaste that would provide a â€Å"whole new dimension of freshness.†The product was so successful that CP decided to launch it worldwide. Colgate-Palmolive’s organizational structure is split up by geographic lines, each region having its own management. However, there is another split by category – there is one group responsible for oral care product strategy, resource allocation, and best-practices transfer between regions. This case focuses on the launches in the U.S., China and Mexico. In all three countries flavors varied and different strategies were used in packaging and promotion of Colgate Max Fresh, as described in the table below. Rock-star Jay Chow and â€Å"extreme living.†| â€Å"Snowsurfer†extreme living; provides â€Å"a joy ride for your mouth.†| Additional costs beyond initial product development and standard market testing| Base costs – first country to launch the product.| New flavors cost $200,000 to research and develop. New graphics, aesthetics, advertising campaign cost $1.5 million. New packaging (that failed) cost $1.5 million, and would have increased variable cost by 20%.New green color developed for $7,000.| New advertising campaign cost $500,000 total.Not many other expensive changes were mentioned. Package size is different from the U.S., but with similar packaging types (and probably similar to other Colgate toothpaste packages).| In Mexico the promotional campaign was completely changed from the U.S. campaign and a third product flavor was introduced. The original two flavors were not changed, reducing costs compared to China. Costs in Mexico were kept low, and in the first two years Colgate saw a net profit in the Mexican market with Colgate Max Fresh. In China, however, many aspects of the marketing mix were changed, increasing costs tremendously. The product was changed by eliminating one of the two original flavors, changing the color of the other, and adding two new flavors. CP China’s management also tried a variety of packaging styles before choosing to use one that would increase the variable cost by 20% per unit. It turned out, however, that the design they chose was not up to CP’s global standards and after spending $1.5 million the idea was thrown out. The advertising campaign was changed to a riskier campaign – that could have been cancelled at any time at CP’s expense – that cost $1.5 million. Even the product name was changed in China. After all of these changes and additional costs, Colgate Max Fresh (Icy Fresh) was not profitable in its first two years. Instead, huge net losses were seen from this product. Problem Identification While CP Mexico made some minor changes to adapt Colgate Max Fresh to their market, CP China redesigned almost every aspect of the product besides the one feature that made it unique – the breath strips. These changes were costly and the product failed to make profits in its first two years in China. Instead, the expenses heavily outweighed the revenues. Instead of marketing like one company, CP China behaved as if it had purchased the rights to use the patented design of CMF and then created a marketing plan from scratch. Alternative Solutions Solution A: Test U.S. marketing plans. Start by testing the unaltered U.S. marketing plans. From the results of that testing, decide what areas need to be altered for the Chinese market. Instead of choosing to change a large variety of aspects of the marketing mix for the Chinese market (as described above), the CP Chinese marketing team could have selectively altered aspects that would have big impacts on sales. Solution B: Cut back on marketing research. Eliminate designing a brand new bottle to put the toothpaste in. Either use a slightly altered version of the U.S. packaging developed for CMF, or use a packaging type that has proven successful in China for previous Colgate toothpastes. Also scale back on color design. Instead of developing ten shades of green, develop only three. In every step of redesigning the marketing plan, try to cut costs by being reasonable. Solution C: Emphasize therapeutic attributes. Emphasize the therapeutic benefits of the Colgate Max Fresh toothpaste. CMF is designed to provide extreme freshness, and instead of focusing on the extremeness, focus on the freshness first and cavity-protection and other therapeutic advantages. These are the two most important features for toothpaste to the Chinese market. Although the concept statement mentions the cavity protection, it is overshadowed in the advertising by the â€Å"cooling crystals.†Breath strips have already proved unsuccessful in China, so the advertising should not focus on them. Instead, the focus should be on the features and aspects that make sense to consumers – freshness and cavity prevention. Evaluation of Alternatives Solution A: Test U.S. marketing plans. By evaluating the effectiveness of the already-produced marketing plan for Colgate Max Fresh, the marketing team would get insight into what works and what doesn’t – what enhances the product in consumers’ eyes and what needs to be re-done for the Chinese market. Money would be saved on marketing areas that can be directly transferred from the U.S. to China. If the ad campaign proved successful in test groups, up to $1.5 million could be saved. The down side to this plan is that only a finite amount can be saved, and this does very little to address sales (revenues). Solution B: Cut back on marketing research. Just by eliminating the packaging scheme, $1.5 million would be saved. A few thousand may be saved by reducing the re-coloring efforts for the mint flavored toothpaste. Like solution A, this is a plan that would reduce costs, but that does not address revenues. It is unlikely that these reductions in cost would lead to a profitable first year in the Chinese market. Solution C: Emphasize therapeutic attributes. Although freshness is a growing market in China, breath strips never caught on and therapeutic toothpastes are big sellers. By emphasizing preferred features to the Chinese market, sales may be higher and the product may be successful. Of course, the marketing scheme would need to be tested first. In Exhibit 10A, Colgate Max Fresh ranked lower in the â€Å"Importance of Main Message†category. The main message should be important, so that people will remember it and in turn will remember to buy the new Colgate toothpaste. This solution does not address reducing costs, but instead addresses changing the message and increasing sales. Recommendation I recommend solution C, to change the advertisement message. The first two options would both decrease initial costs but would not decrease costs enough to make up for the low sales. According to Exhibit 13 in the case, in its first year Colgate Max Fresh had net sales of about $20 million and net expenses of about $30 million, leading to a $10 million loss. In the second year sales increased by about $3.5 million, expenses were reduced, and the net loss was only about $1.5 million. Any loss is bad, but at least there was a significant reduction in cost and the product was increasing in popularity. If the product had been more popular the first year, that would have made a big difference. I also recommend solution A, but I think C is more important. Reducing costs by eliminating unnecessary changes to the marketing plan already developed in conjunction with a promotion plan that emphasizes the product features that are most highly sought-after would be ideal for CP China. By reducing expenses and increasing sales, CMF may have been profitable in its second (if not first) year. Implementation An attitude change would need to be addressed first. It seems like the Chinese Colgate-Palmolive oral care management team does not trust that anything the United States team creates will work in China. They created new, expensive schemes for various aspects of the marketing mix without first checking to see if it was necessary or even advisable. Corporate CP needs to get their Chinese team to understand that as part of a global brand, many features can be directly transferred from one country to another – especially successful ones. Next, the Chinese team must evaluate numerous aspects of the marketing mix for Colgate Max Fresh. A few things were evaluated properly, like the name of the product and the way the breath strips are described. CP China did their research to find out if the name â€Å"Colgate Max Fresh†with â€Å"breath strips†would mean anything to the Chinese market. Because it did not translate well, they changed the name. This is the approach the team should take to each aspect of the marketing mix. For instance, when evaluating the advertisements, they should first determine the effectiveness of the United States commercials. If the results are not favorable, they should change the ads to focus on that aspects that the Chinese consumers seek when choosing toothpastes – freshness and cavity prevention. After evaluating each aspect, the unsuccessful ones should be remade by the Chinese marketing team. Once the newly developed plans have been evaluated, they should be compared to the original plans. After that, the product should be ready for the market.
Friday, August 16, 2019
External/Internal Factors Paper Essay
External/Internal Factors Internal and external factors can affect the four functions of management within a business. Globalization, technology, innovation, diversity, and ethics are key factors that a company must consider in order to be successful and stay competitive with other companies in the same field. This paper will identify the role UPS is taking to be a successful company. UPS is a global company with one of the most widely recognized brands around the world. UPS is also the world’s largest package delivery company and leading global provider of specialized transportation and logistics services (UPS, 2008). The flow of goods, funds and information is managed on a daily basis in more than 200 countries and territories worldwide. Planning – Internal Internal factors affect planning for UPS. Planning is based on knowledge of the company’s finances, type of services provided, quality control, employee motivation and morale. In order for UPS for continue to be a profitable company, management must consider all available options while still delivering quality service and maintaining the happiness of its employees. Finances will depend on the amount of business UPS receives. The demand for services will determine how many employees UPS will hire and train to keep the production line moving to avoid delays in the delivery of packages. Planning – External External factors can also play an important role in planning. Several factors such as weather, gas prices and holidays can affect planning. If possible management must plan around hurricanes, floods, snowstorms and other natural disasters. When gas prices rise, shipping cost increase, which can cause profits to decrease. Holiday’s will also increase the demand for delivery services and must be planned accordingly. Organizing – Internal UPS is a well-organized company. However, several factors exist which can affect how UPS does business in the industry. Organization is important and plays a major role for UPS and its employees. UPS employees play an essential role in developing an approving perception by its customers. In order to stay organizes; UPS daily operations depend on employees in varies departments. For the internal factors the first line of communication will be the employee which are assigned to take and distribute the orders, then passes the information to the person which loads the delivery trucks. In the distribution center the employees loading the truck and the driver works together to ensure the customers receives their packages in a timely manner. Employees working in the distribution center must make sure the packages are separated and loaded on the trucks correctly. Once the trucks have been loaded the driver is responsible for making the delivers on schedule. Through planning, organizing and effective teamwork the employees are able to keep the customers satisfied. Organizing – External External factors affect how UPS does business. Several factors such as the increase in gas prices, mechanical problems with delivery trucks and or regulatory laws implemented by the US Department of Transportation. According to UPS, the Department of Transportation has modified the shipping paper requirements to include the number and type of packages (UPS, 2008). All hazardous material items shipped must follow the new regulations (UPS, 2008). Due to the new regulations production and delivery time maybe affected. With the increase in gas prices a surcharge may be added to all shipments. Addition steps will need to be taken to make sure delivery trucks maintenance is completed on a routine basis to ensure trucks do not break down because it will cause a delay in the delivering of packages. Company performance is thus affected by such external factors. Leading – Internal Management effectiveness, an internal factor, also affects company performance. Highly effective managers must be leaders of the people around them. A good leader can motivate employees to function and work as a collective unit. At UPS, every employee is assigned a specific duty and responsibility. To keep the employees aware of the status of the department weekly or monthly meetings are held to facilitate employee/management communications and discuss any problems that may arise. Occasionally, employees will experience problems and report to management immediately for resolution. The role of UPS management is to encourage the employee to perform at a high level of competence. Management must seek to motivate their employees and stay in contact with them in order to meet the goals of the company. Leading – External Based on the information from UPS website, external factors is address in the UPS Code of Business Conduct (UPS, 2008). According to the UPS Cod of Business Conduct, UPS is committed to conducting its business compliance with all applicable laws and regulation in accordance with the highest ethical principles. In addition all employees must comply and abide by the same rules to maintain the UPS status for honesty, integrity and high quality service. The external factors also include reporting employees misconduct by customers, the time frame of delivering packages and customer complaints due to late deliveries or damaged goods. Globalization According to The State of Business Magazine UPS Corporate Globalization, globalization at UPS began in the 1970s outside of the U.S (Robinson). Globalization was implemented in West Germany and Canada when UPS built â€Å"brown operations†that resembled the U.S. domestic model. With the potential of a single European economy on the horizon, in the mid-1980’s UPS recognized a need to expand their operations and expanded their international presence beyond West Germany and Canada (Robinson). UPS customers were looking for an integrated carrier that would handle all the transport requirements, door-to-door in the U.S. and throughout the world. Through an aggressive strategy of acquisitions and service partners agreements UPS was able to a worldwide distribution network. The worldwide distribution network included the first pan-European integrated air and ground distribution network that was similar to the UPS domestic U.S. operation UPS has in place. Today, the UPS service area includes morn than 200 countries and territories as well as every address in and around the United States. Technology In the event of major problems, UPS has an IT professional technology solution department that can be trusted (UPS, 2008). UPS technology system is easy and enables customer to track, rate and ship their packages. The IT department makes sure the system has up-to-date software that enables customers to process their shipments without any delays. By staying organized, UPS customers can be assured their packages will be delivered on time. With the tracking system UPS has in place customers can track the status of packages on the UPS website with a tracking number. UPS delivers internationally and use advanced technology which enables UPS to track and process shipments. Advances in today’s technology allow UPS to reassure its customer important documents are safe. UPS also offers a technology that enables users to have a shortcut on his or her laptop for the purpose of checking the status of shipping and delivery of packages. Innovation In 1991-1999 Consistent Innovation stated in 1993 UPS delivered 11.5 million packages and documents daily for more than one million regular customers (pressroom). Due to the massive volume of clients UPS decided to implement a new system device that could maintain efficiency, keep prices competitive and provide additional customer service. The handheld Delivery Information Acquisition Device (DIAD) was implemented to capture and upload delivery information to the UPS network. The device include a digital image of a recipient’s signature, allowing the driver quicker confirmation of final delivery. The device also allows the driver to stay in contact with the distribution center to provide current information on changes in pick-up schedules and other important messages that need to be relayed. Diversity UPS supports diversity by maintaining respect throughout the company from both employee and customers. This visibly helps direct the way UPS does business with its customers and suppliers and strengthens the bond with a multi-cultural community of friends and neighbors for fast and continual service. Diversity affects every aspect of management including planning, organizing, leading and controlling. In planning UPS must take into account the company is a international company. UPS must consider the carrying customs of its global customers. In order to be effective UPS must train its employees in both America and abroad in cultural differences and tolerance through continual workshops, seminars or computer-based training. Manager’s delegations Organizing the company forces around the world can be difficult, but UPS must keep tables on all locations. Each location should have a headquarters base for each region and have headquarters report regional activities on a regular basis. Additional requirements are set forth in detain in various individual compliance programs developed by the appropriate departments based on specific expertise and training. UPS drivers have a regular routine for sorting our packages and identifying specific times of delivers. Should a delivery problem occur, the issue is addressed by delegating work to another employee to complete. By researching and understanding UPS policy and procedures the company is doing a good job. As long as the UPS continue to satisfy its customers the company will continue to grow and succeed. References (2008). Important Hazardous Materials Regulatory Changes. Retrieved April 15, 2009 from (2008) IT Professional. Retrieved April 15, 2009 from (2008). Diversity. Retrieved April 15, 2009 from http:/// (1991-1999). Consistent Innovation. Retrieved April 16, 2009 from http;//,27530 0.html The State of Business Magazine UPS Corporate Globalization. Retrieved April 16, 2009 from
Medieval Era And Gawain And Green Knight English Literature Essay
One of the most honest and glorious epochs of all clip was the mediaeval period. The narrative of ‘Sir Gawain and the Green Knight ‘ portrays this facet of life throughout the full narrative. Although there were a batch of great narratives written during this point in clip, this one stood out the most amongst all the others. The mediaeval period, while really structured and proper, had a batch of really disgraceful things that went on in mundane lives. The narrative ‘Sir Gawain and the Green Knight ‘ was written in a verse type of manner like many of the other narratives thought up during this epoch. Because the narrative was written in such a splendorous and elaborate manner, nevertheless, it is known as a arresting success. Again, like many of the other narratives written from 500-1500, these narratives were composed as many states were going shaped into the states they are today. Many of the narratives written during this clip were besides written with many literacy traditions that the people of that epoch would understand ; better than the people reading the narrative today. Peoples in the Middle Ages were considered â€Å" homogenous. †Basically, all of the people, work forces and adult females, operated in the same mode, but were really of many diverse civilizations. Therefore, because ‘Sir Gawain and the Green Knight ‘ was written in the metropolis of Birmingham, a European state, it portrays the life that the people lived during that clip in that part. In the medieval epoch, the construction of their society was really dainty and proper. They had a male monarch and a queen, princesses and knights, and etc. The male monarch was in charge of everything and everyone in the land had to reply to him. Now in the instance of ‘Sir Gawain and the Green Knight ‘ they use a similar construction. The Sir Gawain is evidently beneath King Arthur for multiple grounds. First off, the manner they communicate with each other tells the reader rather a spot about where each individual stood. For case, the fact that King Arthur stairss down when â€Å" Sir Gawain †asks to take on the undertakings of the Green Knight shows rather a spot on how things were done back so. Sir Gawain asks to turn out himself, merely as King Arthur did before he merely about took off the Green Knight ‘s caput, to be courageous and honored by others. By making so, Sir Gawain will derive the regard he deserves from everyone, every bit good as maybe kn ock some of the fright of decease out of him every bit good. Although, Sir Gawain is beneath King Arthur, he is one of the most extremely apprehended knights that are among King Arthur ‘s tribunal. We know this because of the trust that King Arthur puts into him. When Sir Gawain says that he is traveling to take on the undertakings of the Green Knight, King Arthur allows him to make this with without vacillation. Even though Sir Gawain makes some â€Å" humanly †errors, throughout the narrative, he is still considered a really charming character in the narrative. Besides, when Sir Gawain does take on the duties of the Green Knight he does so entirely without aid from his fellow knights. Obviously, King Arthur thinks that he is â€Å" worthy †plenty to take the Green Knight on by himself. During his travel to the Green Knight ‘s palace, Sir Gawain is asked to remain at a different palace where the Godhead greets him with great cordial reception. The host asks Sir Gawain to remain a piece with them at his topographic point, and promises to allow Sir Gawain leave on New Year ‘s Day to contend the Green Knight. While Sir Gawain is remaining at the host ‘s palace the host asks him to rest while he goes out to run each twenty-four hours. The gimmick of the affair is that Sir Gawain would give back, to the host, what he had been given that twenty-four hours and the host would give him what he had caught that twenty-four hours. We start to see that Sir Gawain ends up snoging the lady of the palace on each twenty-four hours while the host Hunts game each twenty-four hours. The host gave a banquet and Sir Gawain kissed the host each dark ; to give back what he had been given each twenty-four hours. On the last twenty-four hours at the palace Sir Gawain is giv en a sash and Sir Gawain does non state the host. When he goes to the Green Knight the following twenty-four hours he laughs in Sir Gawain ‘s face for have oning the sash, evidently non giving it to the host. It was a trial for Sir Gawain. Thus, the Green Knight takes his â€Å" blows †and ends up merely cutting Sir Gawain ‘s cervix. Sir Gawain apologizes for non giving the sash to the host and the Green Knight takes the apology. Sir Gawain says he will have on the sash for the remainder of his life to remind him of his mistakes. When Sir Gawain returns to his place everyone greets him gleefully. Sir Gawain tells the whole tribunal of the escapade he had while he was gone. Everyone got a good laugh out of it and yet felt sorry for him every bit good. They all decided to have on green sashes every bit good in award of Sir Gawain ‘s courage and embarrassment. Basically, they ended up honouring him to the highest extent by making so for him. King Arthur did non even complain about anyone making so, which shows that King Arthur had somewhat regard for this one knight of his. He did non even get covetous of Sir Gawain for this either, which shows that he trust Sir Gawain plenty to non acquire a â€Å" large caput †about what he did. As in lasting the â€Å" undertakings †of the Green Knight and being honored by all â€Å" King Arthurs †people. Honestly, the sad portion of this full narrative is that the writer is unknown. We truly can non appreciate his work to the fullest extent ; as in it reflected the Middle Ages really good. I believe that this narrative will go on to be successful for many old ages to come. It portrays how life one time was long ago ; along with an interesting narrative.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Financial institution
Bridgecorp is a financial institution that operates in New Zealand and in Australia (McNabb). As a financial institution it is their responsibility to make sure that the investments of their respective investors will earn profit in a respectively manner. We all know that crises came along in every instance we face in our business. With regards to the concern of Bridgecorp, we know that they have suffered from crises that have led to the collapse of their financial institution.As a business sector, it is expected that there will come a time that they will be facing such problems and with this they need to sacrifice a portion of what they have to make sure that the crises that will come along their way will not have any more conflicts with respect to their business. Yet on the first place, it should also be common to any business that they should look forward to possible problems lying along their way. In this manner they will have at least an idea to overcome such problems and to avoi d further complications that these problems can bring to their business.With respect to Bridgecorp, we have been given the chance to know that they have been given a 3. 5 out of 5 rating y a certain agency which aims to give rating to financial institutions based upon their effectiveness as a business sector (Davies). Yet, what we did not have is the chance to know about the criteria from where the rating came. Having a rating of 3. 5 out of 5 means that Bridgecorp is a financial institution that gives a respectfully, good quality service to their clients and investors (Davies). This rating was given on February and should have an effectiveness that will last until November (Davies).But by the month of November we have know that Bridgecorp have been undergoing several operations in an attempt to save the institution to a near closure. We have known that by this time Bridgecorp has already been suffering from crises that have led them to a situation where they should sell their prope rties in order to regain something out of nothing they might have in case the institution will be closed in no time. As to the respectful agency who gave a 3. 5 out of 5 rating to Bridgecorp, they should have look further to the capability of Bridgecorp to operate in the long run.The agency should have also look at the present health of Bridgecorp as a financial institution. They should have seen if Bridgecorp still have the ability to their jobs well. As we have known, Bridgecorp came up to a point where they came up short upon the cash flow regarding the payment for their maturing term debenture stock deposits, interest on loans and the capital notes (McNabb). From such situation these shows that any financial institution who are coming up short regarding their payments have something wrong going on behind the scene.Having investors close to 18000 individuals and an investment being estimated to be $600 million these show that there are a lot of people who entrust their money to B ridgecorp (McNabb). And according to this information, a little shortage regarding the budget and funds of Bridgecorp will show a large amount of money and if it turned out to be a net loss then it only shows that Bridgecorp have lost a large amount of money. Once a financial institution have lost a great amount of money it will eventually turn out that they should have made such actions to have refund of what they have lost.They should make ways in where they can regain what they have lost. In such manner, the fund raising ability of the institution should double their work in an attempt to regain their lost and if possible to have a higher income. But, on the blind side that we have seen after the collapse of Bridgecorp, we have known that the fund researchers of Bridgecorp have been misinterpreting their duty (Cruickshank). The fund researchers of Bridgecorp turn out to be ineffective and show that they have not performed their duties very well which is very vital to the sensitiv e situation that Bridgecorp have undergone (Cruickshank).As their fund researchers fail to do their job, given that their financial institution is in a situation where they are being close to disclosure, Bridgecorp had lost the chance of having a great back up in terms of their shortage in their cash flows (Cruickshank). If only their fund researchers have been able to find such ways to support their shortage of funds and if possible if they have been able to manage an activity where they will earn extra profit that could help them have an additional income then it could have been a great help to the situation of the financial institution.Also according to surveys, it runs out that most of the investors are looking forward to the interests that the financial institution is giving rather than the reputation that the financial institution has (Benett). It turned out that it doesn’t matter whether the financial institution can give the investors a high rate security regarding th eir investments. Investors on their views at their investments to be a sure-earning investment and it should have a profit in every time that it has been handled by the financial institution (Benett).In effect to Bridgecorp it turns out that in order to have more investors then they should give higher interests upon the investments being handled to them. It could have been great if only Bridgecorp have been able to manage the investments properly. According to a source, Bridgecorp has not been able to lend the investments to other investors in order to earn profits. This is opposite to the point of view of Bridgecorp’s investors. Bridgecorp’s investors were confident that their investments were earning profit as it was being lent to other investors.With such lack in action like this, Bridgecorp have lost another way of earning profit from the investments of their investors and at the same time they should still pay the interest they should give to the investments they are handling. Thus, it means that instead they should have been earning from the investments they are handling then these investments have lured them closer to disclosure. As an action to then upcoming collapse of Bridgecorp, their management had come up to the point where they have decided to sell Bridgecorp’s properties.In doing so, they think that they can have an income from the sell profit of the financial institution rather than losing more as they were trying to revive their financial institution. As they were trying to revive their financial institution they have found out that instead of having profits from their actions and activities reviving the institution they are on the other hand losing more as their investors are pulling out their investments from Bridgecorp leaving them less capital to revive their financial institution.At the act of selling the financial institution, Bridgecorp have been able to use the previous rating that they have earned from a certain c ompany (Ryan). They have been able to use the high rating they have earned in order to have a higher price offer to Bridgecorp as it was being sold. Yet, the rating is not the only factor to be considered if the management of Bridgecorp wants to sell their financial institution at a higher price. Advertisements and other factors like the reputation of the institution have played a very vital role in the essence of giving Bridgecorp a higher value (Ryan).Being the only way they have by then, Bridgecorp’s management have agreed that they should no longer try to revive their financial institution but it is rather an advantage for them if they will sell its properties because buy selling the properties of Bridgecorp they will still have a chance to at least earn rather than continue losing their assets as they try to find ways to revive the institution. In such manner, the collapse of Bridgecorp has happened. It started from the lack of focus on the duties of the management until they have realized that it was too late to revive the financial institution they once have.From the misinterpretations of duties to lack of efforts towards their duties came up the shortage to their cash flow which eventually leads to more complications and more net lost. If only they have given an immediate and proper action to then not yet full blown crises that the institution has suffered then it would have been possible that Bridgecorp has not yet collapsed and on the other hand could have been a financial institution with a stronger foundation. . References: McNabb, Denise. (2007, July 4. ). BRIDGECORP: Signs of a Troubled Company: The Independent Financial Review, p.4. Benett, Adam. (2007, August 21). Do your homework, investors warned. The New Zealand Herald, NEWSTALK ZB. Davies, Anthony. (2007, July 5). Bridgecorp collapse highlights role of ratings vs rankings. Retrieved Sept. 3, 2007. Ryan, Peter (2007) Ratings agencies criticized after Bridgecorp collapse Cruickshank, R ichard (2007, August 8). The important role of research – is it being misunderstood? Retrieved Sept. 3, 2007, from Seekingmedia. com. au < http://www. seekingmedia. com. au/news. php? newsid=133&PHPSESSID=5107571974ff403aafc27f779f500b64>
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Music 100 Concert Report Essay
Allegro, as the first movement is named, means to have a quick paced tempo. This movement starts with the first and second violins playing followed by the cello and viola, then finally the clarinet comes in over the rest of the musicians. This movement may be fast paced, but the tone of the movement is melancholy in some areas. The theme of the movement is played several times over. The theme of Allegro is the opening phrases where the first and second violins start, then add in the cello and viola, then the clarinet. This repeating phrase throughout the first movement helps create a pattern and a story. What is interesting in this movement is that the opening theme sets up the rest of the piece. Brahms changes the theme in each movement, but this original theme is still present in each movement after. The end of Allegro is built up into a large climax by using crescendo, a heavier and more violent bow stroke, and more rapid notes than are present in the rest of the piece. The Adagio, in contrast to the first movement, is slower paced and softer. The tone of this movement is in great contrast to the first as well. The mood is dark and full of anguish and despair, whereas in the first the mood was lighter. This mood is created by the difference in the style in which the musicians are playing. The clarinet in this movement plays lower notes that are sustained for long periods of time while the violin plays the melody over it. The first two movements of the piece are much lengthier than the last two movements. The third movement, Andantino, is faster than andante- which is a walking pace- but slower than moderato. The tempo marking andantino is more lively than andante. The third movement serves as a transition into the last movement. In this movement there is pizzicato, which is the plucking of the strings on a string instrument. The first and second violins, cello, and viola use this technique in this movement while the clarinet plays the melody over them. The first violin adds in by playing on the string again, and then the rest of the strings add in playing using their bows instead of plucking the strings. The fourth movement, Con moto, is different from the previous movements because of the tone and style of this section, but it also revisits the original theme of the first movement, which ties all the movements together. The original theme is used as a framing device throughout the entire piece. Between each time the theme is played, there are different styles of other themes played. Some are mellower while others are more of a scherzo, which is a lively part within a larger work. This piece was preformed wonderfully by the GVSU Chamber Players. They played passionately and because of this, the audience could better understand the piece and what Brahms intended the audience to feel when they listened to his work. The players made great use of dynamics throughout the piece and they were very skilled in the different styles Brahms wrote into the music. I really enjoyed the concert and look forward to going to another soon.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Pearl harbor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Pearl harbor - Essay Example This paper briefly explores the Pearl Harbor attack, its background, and Japanese objectives associated with it. Friction between Japan and America had been escalating for several years due to Americas annoyance over Japans brutal war against China. The U.S. provided moral support to China which included: fateful step to cut off sales of oil, scrap metals, and tin to Japanese industry. Japan didnt own her own oil resources, therefore, the leadership sought after lucrative oil fields of the Dutch East Indies in South. In 1940, Nazi Germany occupied Dutch native soil in Europe. They left Dutch colonies in Asia in a relatively segregated and exposed position (Lee). Considering American opposition to war with China, Japanese leader presumed that America would intervene to their attacks on Dutch. U.S military forces stationed in Philippines (located between Japan and Dutch East Indies) and based out of Pearl Harbor posed a huge threat. Therefore, Japan initiated her Pacific War with a "knockout blow" at Pearl Harbor, with subsequent attacks planned for U.S. forces in Philippines and anywhere else. Japan held similar fears from Britain; therefore, they attacked British forces in Hong Kong, Malaya, and Singapore (Lee). Japans major objective was to cripple American Navy base in order to keep them from intervening Japanese invasion of the Dutch East Indies (Lee). They wanted to neutralize American power in Pacific Basin for at least six months (Burbeck 1).Another objective was to get time for Japan to strengthen its position and enhance its navy before losing their chances of victory. Moreover, Japan wanted to blow American morale. In order to maximize the effect, Japan targeted most prestigious battleships of U.S. Navy. Overall objective was to occupy Southeast Asia with any interference (Willmott 14). In order to achieve their goals, Japanese military crafted a detailed plan in which they took advantage of the information
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