Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Free Essays on The Embalming Of Mr. Jones
Jessica Mitford wrote a book, entitled â€Å"The Embalming of Mr. Jones,†about the malpractices of funeral homes. The specific excerpt that I read described how bodies are embalmed. She wrote this to explain to the general public, who at the time were uneducated about what happens in funeral homes, about the exact way a body is embalmed and placed for display. Her book brought a better awareness to what really goes on in funeral homes. This made the government realize they must be more involved with what goes on, because funeral homes are just like any other businesses in addition to that they can increase the chances of creating a public health risk. Embalming is a practice that has been done for ages. I believe that modern-day embalming techniques work splendidly. I have attended four funerals in my life, and each of the deceased looked so peaceful and healthy in their caskets. This appearance is really one of allusion, but it is worth it because of the comfort it provides for the deceased’s loved ones. Viewings are just a nice tradition. If we stopped having viewings, what would happen to the bodies of the deceased? They would be stored in a morgue until placed in a casket and buried. This reminds me too much of the past practice of tossing dead bodies, wrapped in sheets, into burial pits. It just seems too cold and uncivilized. On the other hand, when I asked my family their opinion on embalming and viewings, the consensus seemed to be â€Å"Viewings are for the living.†My mother, in particular, was most against it. She did not understand what the purpose was of draining a body of its blood and filling it up with chemicals. She figured all you needed to do was put an excess amount of make up on to make the deceased look more alive. I explained to her what I read in Jessica Mitford’s essay about embalming, but she still stuck to her opinion. Despite my family’s reaction to my questionings, I know that no... Free Essays on The Embalming Of Mr. Jones Free Essays on The Embalming Of Mr. Jones Jessica Mitford wrote a book, entitled â€Å"The Embalming of Mr. Jones,†about the malpractices of funeral homes. The specific excerpt that I read described how bodies are embalmed. She wrote this to explain to the general public, who at the time were uneducated about what happens in funeral homes, about the exact way a body is embalmed and placed for display. Her book brought a better awareness to what really goes on in funeral homes. This made the government realize they must be more involved with what goes on, because funeral homes are just like any other businesses in addition to that they can increase the chances of creating a public health risk. Embalming is a practice that has been done for ages. I believe that modern-day embalming techniques work splendidly. I have attended four funerals in my life, and each of the deceased looked so peaceful and healthy in their caskets. This appearance is really one of allusion, but it is worth it because of the comfort it provides for the deceased’s loved ones. Viewings are just a nice tradition. If we stopped having viewings, what would happen to the bodies of the deceased? They would be stored in a morgue until placed in a casket and buried. This reminds me too much of the past practice of tossing dead bodies, wrapped in sheets, into burial pits. It just seems too cold and uncivilized. On the other hand, when I asked my family their opinion on embalming and viewings, the consensus seemed to be â€Å"Viewings are for the living.†My mother, in particular, was most against it. She did not understand what the purpose was of draining a body of its blood and filling it up with chemicals. She figured all you needed to do was put an excess amount of make up on to make the deceased look more alive. I explained to her what I read in Jessica Mitford’s essay about embalming, but she still stuck to her opinion. Despite my family’s reaction to my questionings, I know that no...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
To Garnish vs. To Garnishee
To Garnish vs. To Garnishee To Garnish vs. To Garnishee To Garnish vs. To Garnishee By Maeve Maddox A reader wonders about the verbs garnish and garnishee: I have been hearing a radio commercial that mentions how the IRS can â€Å"garnish one’s wages.† I always thought garnish referred to decorating food or something, but when I looked this up online, apparently garnishee is the word that has fallen out of use, and garnish in reference to wages is correct. Can you tell me if this is in fact the case? Both words are used in the sense of taking money owed to a creditor from a person’s wages. Garnish has seniority; the verb garnishee began as a noun derived from the verb to garnish. The noun and verb relating to decorating food come from the same source. Old French verb garnir meant â€Å"to fortify, to defend, to provide.†The earliest example of garnish, meaning â€Å"provide or furnish a place with a means of defense,†is dated c.1400. Another 15th century meaning of garnish was â€Å"to fit out with anything that adorns or beautifies.†By the 17th century, garnish was used in the context of decorating servings of food. Another meaning of of garnir was â€Å"to warn.†This sense survives in the legal term garnish: â€Å"to obtain a court order directing a party holding funds (such as a bank) or about to pay wages (such as an employer) to an alleged debtor to set that money aside until the court determines (decides) how much the debtor owes to the creditor.†The noun garnishee is a legal term meaning â€Å"a person or entity, quite often a bank or employer, which receives a court order not to release funds held for or owed to a customer or employee, pending further order of the court.†The earliest OED citation for garnishee used as a verb is from a US newspaper dated 1896. Although the use of garnishee as a verb has declined, the noun remains a common legal term. In modern usage, wages, as well as salads, are garnished. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Masters Degree or Master's Degree?40 Synonyms for â€Å"Lie†Artist vs. Artisan
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Compare and contrast two opposite cases where Web 2.0 tools have been Essay
Compare and contrast two opposite cases where Web 2.0 tools have been used to build an identity and encourage participation, and explain why you think one was successful and the other wasnt - Essay Example What is common in both the viewpoints is the idea that the new developments in information and communication technologies certainly change the way we interact, civic engagement and community creation. The participation has the ability and potential to make the difference. The awareness about the possibilities of participation is a defining feature of the present democratic societies. â€Å"The crisis of political participation†is the product of the dilemmas of this awareness on participation (Bryan, Tsagarousianou and Tambini, 1998, p. 3). However, more electronic democracy could only be achieved through universal availability of internet and open discourses on internet. According to Bryan, Tsagarousianou and Tambini (1998), although access to information network is a public right, the cost and private ownership of such infrastructure and technologies lead to a tension between both. Bughin, Chui, and Johnson have asserted that â€Å"companies will need a combination of incentives of encourage customer participation†(2008, p.28). In the case study of Coloplast’s web supported community of health care practitioners, it has been found that â€Å"web communities in the professional market build on preexisting communities, enabling community members to intensify the activities of the community to expand its reach†(Andersen, 2005, p. 49). It could be seen as an example of identity building and community creation. In the content analysis of the sites and blogs for the 10 Democratic candidates in the 2004 US presidential election, it has been revealed that â€Å"candidates promoted interactivity online through technical means such as enabling asynchronous feedback in blog comments as well as fostering an environment of participation through textual appeals and strategy†(Trammel, 2006, p.42). Here, there in no actual participation, just networking for the purpose of vote
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Internation World AIDS Charity Day Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Internation World AIDS Charity Day - Essay Example The rationale of the event is to collect money that can be used to subsidize the medication for management of AIDS in the affected countries (Sharon, 2011). Our goal is ensure that every person infected with AIDS gets the required medication regardless of individual economic status. The event is on its 20th year and so far over six hundred billion dollars have been raised. It has attracted the support of many international celebrities who have contributed both materially and in kind for the cause. Our vision is to raise sufficient funds to finance not only the purchase of drugs but also raise public awareness on the issues related to AIDS. We also seek to encourage further research on finding a cure for AIDS. To this end, our long term strategy is to work with the leading pharmaceutical companies and researchers to put more effort in finding a cure for the disease. The date of the ceremonial commemoration is on 1st July. The chosen location will be in London. Other commemorations wil l be marked in all major cities in the world. The venue will be at the Oxygen arena. All proceeds from the event will go to charity. Strategic Aims Objectively, the event seeks to raise funds for the purchase and supply of drugs for the treatment of AIDS victims in the developing countries. We intend to raise fifty million dollars that will be used to buy the drugs to be distributed in these countries. We also intend to secure commitments from world leaders that this scourge will be tamed and appropriate programs will be put in place to curb its spread. The â€Å"AIDS free world†accord which details elaborate plans to wipe out the pandemic will be presented to the leaders to persuade them to take deliberate measures to lower the rates of new infections in their countries. In addition, the event also aims to put more emphasis on the research for a permanent cure for the disease. Research on this field has been sluggish. Consequently, the event aims to gain a clear commitment from leading pharmaceutical companies and researchers that research for a cure will be given a priority. Objectives One of our objectives is to raise funds towards the support of AIDS medication. Our target is to raise over fifty million shillings in cash. To obtain these funds, we will design arm bands, t-shirts, caps, and bandanas to target people attending the event. The sales will begin on days set before the start of the major event. In addition, branded merchandise will be availed in selected outlets to make them accessible to the public. Another strategy to raise funds will be through organizing a charity concert before the main event. Leading musicians will be invited to entertain participants at a nominal fee. In fact, the invitation of leading artistes will serve a twofold function of attracting larger crowds to the concert and also increase the sales of the branded merchandise. The event will also run an online campaign through the social networking sites to raise funds. We intend to spur online interest on AIDS as an imminent threat to humanity. The other objective for the event is to raise awareness concerning AIDS in the developing countries. The rate of HIV/AIDS infections is highest in the developing countries. The disease is most prevalent in African countries. Sub-Saharan Africa accounts for about forty percent of the documented infections (Luter, 2010). The implications are dire considering that most of those infected are the breadwinners for their families. The result is that their
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Social media negative impact on teenagers Essay Example for Free
Social media negative impact on teenagers Essay Many types of social media display a ‘bad boy’ image which consists of addiction to substance abuse (drugs and alcohol), violence, emphasis on luxurious material possessions and lack of moral values. It is this ‘bad boy’ image that severely impacts the minds of teenagers. It is very common to find a video of a celebrity portraying a character that is addicted to substance abuse. For instance, Youtube is filled with plenty of music videos, movies and pictures that display celebrities with numerous addictions to substance abuse. Examples of such celebrities include, Nicolas Cage (alcohol addict) in the movie Leaving Las Vegas and Leonardo DiCaprio (drug addict) in the movie The Basketball Diaries. When a celebrity plays a fictional role of an addict, many teenagers pick up the addiction. Teenagers tend to think that such types of addictions are ‘cool’ as their icons engage in such addictions. In addition, social media portray a lot of violence that amuse teenagers. For instance, shows videos and pictures of gangsters and thieves shedding blood of innocent people. In such situations, culprits are often seen settling problems through violence rather than through peace. Teenagers pick up on this depiction of brutality and think that it is better to solve a conflict through violence in order to gain a popular image in society. Also, social media is actively engaged in promoting exquisite materialistic goods. For instance, Facebook displays many pictures of celebrities endorsing expensive products. Examples of such endorsements include Michael Schumacher (Ferrari, Lamborghini) and Jessica Simpson (Gucci, Prada). Teenagers that look up to their icons come to the conclusion that in order to be popular one must acquire such luxurious goods. Moreover, social media places a great emphasis on acting immorally. For example, shows real life situations of celebrities lying, stealing, and taking part in scandalous affairs. Teenagers are often taken into believing that such irresponsible acts are normal and expected to be followed. Thus, it is fairly evident that social media plays a vital role in exerting a strong negative influence on teenagers.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Intern Experience Reflection Essay -- Reflection Paper, criminal justi
As I continue exploring the aspects of Family Inc., I find myself becoming more amazed at the tragedies that occur in the lives of juveniles. Society is always pointing the finger at the children, blaming them and punishing their negative actions. With a deeper look at the family system behind these children, I have found an empathy for the delinquent children. The organization is not only for delinquent children, but it is thought that children with incarcerated parents have a higher risk of going into the prison system. Especially since these children most likely get placed with grandparents, they could become more rebellious and hard to handle. Since learning the mentor database system, I have seen a bit more of the actual family aspect of the mentees. I have been updated and informed of children, the stories of their parents, and how they got where they are now. The circumstances that I have heard about are things that I could not even imagine going through myself. Growing up in Philadelphia and even having close friends with troubled homes has not prepared me for the issues I hear. It is no wonder these children lose their self-control. I guess this just shows the cycle of the criminal justice system. The streets create criminals, whether it be through poverty or simple environmental stressors. The criminals have children, like everyone else. Their children are subject to the living situations that come with losing a parent to the system, which in turn pushes them to the streets. They follow the same path their parents walked down. I see Family Inc. as an institution that creates a fork in the road, giving the child the options to go the right way and steer clear of crime. The mentor is a guide to show the light to the r... to college. I finally get to see what I learned in the class come alive in the professional world. I now yearn to learn more about my career choice from the classroom, so I can continue to make use of it in the real world. I have even decided that I might change around a couple of my classes to figure out what juvenile classes are offer the coming semester. Overall, I am enjoying the experience. I am taking each day as it comes, learning as I go. I think that working with Family, Inc. is a good interning experience. I find it to be a good mix of my life goals and personal interest. I am currently a mentor, orientation leader, and university ambassador at school and I have always been one to be there to help new people adapt. I guess this has always been in my mind because, now that I think of it, even in my lower level jobs, I trained new employees.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Travel Agency Strategy
H Travel Agency Strategy Plan February 25, 2013 This paper will look at the challenges that the travel agency is facing, detailing a plan for change based on observations of challenges that the HR department is facing. Using metrics to explain change and how they can assist senior management during the planning process. Furthermore there will be an outline for the determination of the HR strategic plan combined with methods for the recruitment and selection methods. The details provided should help in assisting the travel agency overcome their challenges with a new plan to help them grow and become a formidable opponent to the competition.The travel agency appears to have challenges with the employees and the HR department. There are no goals or structure for the employees to rely on, and no goals to achieve. There are six major functions of HR that are needed to be implementing in order for the change to begin in the Travel agency. According to Byars and Rue (2008) The Society for H uman Resource Management (SHRM) has identified six major functions of human resource management: 1. Human resource planning, recruitment, and selection. 2. Human resource development. 3.Compensation and benefits. 4. Safety and health. 5. Employee and labor relations. 6. Human resource research. (Byars & Rue, 2008). The HR department can start to outline a plan if HR, management and the employees all have clear communication and direction of what the HR department is for and how they assist the company and the employees. The challenges that the HR department will face is using, HRP (Human resource Planning), to align the company’s overall strategic plan with the appropriate employees in place to achieve this goal.According to Byars and Rue (2008) Human resource planning (HRP), also referred to as workforce planning or personnel planning has been defined as the process of â€Å"getting the right number of qualified people into the right job at the right time. HRP involves appl ying the basic planning process to the human resource needs of the organization. To be effective, any human resource plan must be derived from the strategic and operational plans of the organization.In essence, the success of HRP depends largely on how closely the human resource department can integrate effective people planning with the organization's business planning process. 5 Unfortunately, HRP is often inadequately tied to overall corporate planning. (Byars ; Rue, 2008). There are four statistical modeling techniques that can be used by the HR department to forecast the needs that the agency will need. The can use time-series analysis, personnel ratios, productivity ratios and the regression analysis.Another technique that can be used is benchmarking, â€Å"benchmarking involves thoroughly examining internal practices and procedures and measuring them against the ways other successful organizations operate. ’ Byars and Rue (2008). In order to meet the Demands of the co mpany and put a solid plan into place, a skills inventory should be completed to see what types of employees the company has and their skill sets to determine future training and advancement opportunities. A skills inventory consolidates information about the organization's human resources.It provides basic information on all employees, including, in its simplest form, a list of the names, certain characteristics, and skills of employees. Because the information from a skills inventory is used as input into promotion and transfer decisions, it should contain information about each employee's portfolio of skills, not just those relevant to the employee's current job. (Byars & Rue, 2008). The next step will be metric for the HR department to gather data that can be used to show the senior management areas of improvement, or areas that need a deeper focus.These metrics can show where the company spends the most of their time and money along with, areas of the company or departments tha t do not meet the desired metric goals. Metrics can show productivity based on a set desired goal for the companies employees. Metrics refers to any set of quantitative measures to assess workforce performance. Examples of metrics that HR might use include such things as analysis of the cost per hire, average length of time to fill a position, training cost per employee, turnover cost per employee, and new-hire performance by recruiting strategy. Byars & Rue, 2008). The reason that metrics are so important to the decision making of the senior staff is that they provide a starting point for the company to see where they need to start their focus for change. Being able to evaluate an employee’s performance will help coach and mentor the employee. Metrics provide real numbers that can show areas were training is needed to get the employees to a desired output or percentage goal. Communication of the desired results or a t new strategic plan can be tricky, especially to a skeptic al bunch that has really had no definition or goals in place.They are going to want to know what is in it for them. Communication is the key to ensure understanding. The whys must be answered, why this necessary, why are we doing this what is in it for me. In order to communicate these new changes all of these must be answered. The goal is to let the employees to know what HR does and what will be changing, for instance career planning, development and training. This will be to ensure that all employees have or will have the knowledge and skills to perform to the level that the company wants their employees to be at.Letting the employees know that they are here to assist them in getting to where they want to be, while providing them an outline of career path and training to keep them interested. Where there is room for advancement there is room for recruiting new staff member with skills to help the company grow. When it comes to recruiting, there are several methods that can be use d. Using internal sources at first, the organization will keep moral up as they seek already trained and qualified personnel.Another method is reaching outside the organization to bring in new talent with other perspectives and fresh ideas to bring to the team. â€Å"Organizations have at their disposal a wide range of external sources for recruiting personnel. External recruiting is needed in organizations that are growing rapidly or have a large demand for technical, skilled, or managerial employees. †(Byars & Rue, 2008). The external sources bring all types of employees plus they bring a wider skill set to choose from. Other sources include using job boards, advertising, web sites, job placement agencies, employee referrals and walk- ins.When it comes to the selection process there are things that need to be looked at, what exactly is the company in need of, where do they want to go, where have past internal and external employees gone within the company. Use the metrics to see what has panned out in the past. In conclusion the travel agency has been lacking clear direction for future growth. In order to grow and to achieve success, the HR department and management need to determine how to incorporate the strategic plan and goals of the company into the HRP.The HRP will then create goals, training and structure for growth in the company by determining what the company has in terms of employees and their skills. By determining the skills of employees then HR and management can determine the new metrics based off of the old ones and by using the metrics they can determine what changes need to be made first. By determining where the company is lacking in production will the help senior management determine what types of employees are needed for future success. References Byars, L. L. , & Rue, L. W. (2008). Human resource Management (9th ed. ). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Apple Strategy Management Essay
Formerly known as Apple Computer, Apple Inc. has effectively became a successful company in a competitive consumer electronics industry. The firm managed to outsell others by being innovative and differentiating its products through superior service standards and high quality products. To ensure standards are met, Apple outsourced its manufacturing to a reliable third party electronics manufacturing company, Foxconn Technology. In recent years, the smartphone industry is moving towards commoditization. This resulted in intense competition where constant innovation is required to withstand its business marketability. Apple’s strategic capabilities such as having tailored hardware/software systems has enabled the corporation to position itself in term of value, rarity, inimitability and non-substitution. However, to continue gaining its market share as the best smartphone, the corporation might need to review its business suitability, so as to maintain its market leadership in t he industry. This strategic analysis and evaluation report will hence review Apple’s performance and sustainability through using business level strategies before strategic recommendations are decided upon. In order for Apple to continually retain its market position, the corporation might need to consider its business suitability such as its strategic direction. Through market development, the company can increase its presence in new market segments. There is a need to look into its R&D (Research & Development), so that new products with unique features can progressively developed. Table of Contents Introduction (300words) 372 Background Information Apple Inc. is a technological company that had achieved great success in designing, producing and selling its wide range of products categories including Mac, IPad, IPod and IPhone, which brings innovations in computers, media tablet, Portable music players and mobile phones respectively. In addition, Apple also offers a variety of related software, applications, services, networking solutions, peripherals and third-party digital content which represent a revolutionary era for innovation and differentiation of Apple. (reuters). Although touch screens in mobile devices are not new, Apple managed to be the first to achieve mass market adoption for that technology by creating and launching the first IPhone series in January 2007. The IPhone was so much ahead of its time that it virtually created a new category in the market leaving everyone else playing catch up (Elliot, 2012). The Apple’s target market includes teenagers, college and university students, business people, young children and kids and adults. As of September 29, 2012, it had 412 retail stores in 14 countries around the world. (Financial Report 2012) At the same time, Apple had an extensive 72,800 regular employees and an additional 3,300 temporary employees or contractors worldwide (Apple 3 year PnL). Financial Performance According to the financial report, the company recorded total net revenue of $156,508 million during the fiscal year 2012, which shows an increase of 63% over fiscal year 2011. In which net profit accounted for $41,733 million, a 61% increase over fiscal year 2011 (Apple 3 year PnL). As observed from the report, Apple’s gross profit margin had rise from 40.5% to 43.9% in the past 2 years. This is mainly the result of effective implementation of cost-leadership and differentiation strategy over the years. (Find source). Culture The firm’s pervious CEO, Steve Job (from 1997 – 2011) had created a culture in which vision are understood and is live by their employees. He believes that communicating the vision to the employee is almost as important as coming out with new products (Elliot. Jay, 2012). This culture was kept alive even when Tim Cook took over as CEO (from 2011 – current) which essentially kept all Apple’s employees on the same page and enact the vision with true passion (Elliot. Jay, 2012) which is key to strategic management (Find that book) Macro Environment Analysis (700words) 803 PESTEL Analysis PESTEL analysis will be used to understand Apple’s external environment and gain an insight of Apple’s future business potential, market situation and operations directions. There are six elements in the PESTEL analysis; Political, Economical, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal (Find source). Considering developments, trends, indicative incidents at the global levels, we identify that Social, Technological and Legal element of the PESTEL analysis pose a much significant impact on Apple’s mobile phone SBU as compared to the rest. Social Apple’s social environment is one of key contributor for its success today and will continue to lead it into greater height in future (wei kang, 2013). It’s ‘think different’ slogan is the unique combination of simplicity, creativity and luxury image into the product that reflects the user’s individual identity and the desire to be different (Schneiders, 2011). Apple’s pervious CEO Steve Job always had a sense of what consumer really wanted and adjusted the company’s products line to meet their wants. In other words he tells them what they should love (VERGANTI, 2010). This is a phenomenon known as the cult marketing in which people do not know their wants until cult marketers present it to them (RAGAS & BUENO, 2005). In simple terms, Cult marketing is actually a tool used in strategy to strengthen customer loyalty (Schneiders, 2011). This element has significant positive impact as it allows Apple to have the strongest customer loyalty in the world and achieve the highest repurchase rate in the electronic field (MacNN, 2006). This effect can be seem worldwide whenever Apple launch their new product, Apple’s fans would camp for days in front of the store only to get one of its newest innovation. This shows that Apple’s users really love Apple unlike most others (NUSSBAUM, 2005). In addition, due to the technology development, Apple’s Products such as the IPhone are no longer being viewed as luxuries but real necessities goods (source). To succeed in the long run, Apple should follow and abide to its guiding principle; ‘don’t follow your customers; Lead them’ which implies that consumer need to be shown a superior alternative which Apple distinguishes itself and provide these alternatives (MacVarish, 2009). Technological The market for mobile phone and other electronic products that Apple offers puts them in a hyper competition environment driven by the fast pace of technological changes. Companies like Apple which manufacture such products will have to continually invest substantial amount of money on research and development (R&D) to produce better performance, new feature and better design products to counter the short life cycle and frequent introduction of new products in the market (source). According to MacVarish, one of Apple’s guiding principle for their innovation strategy was ‘Be your own toughest Critic’. In which, Apple aims to offer new product lines that replaces older products making their them obsolete and thus preventing competitor from doing so. With this principle to beat itself, Apple managed to beat its competitors too (MacVarish, 2009). Ultimately this enable Apple to lead the market as it did in the launching of the different generation of IPhone especially IPhone 5 which become the world’s best-selling Smartphone worldwide during the 4th quarter of 2012 (Maisto, 2013). As a result, Apple’s R&D expense increases exponentially from $1.782 billion in 2010 to $3.381 billion in 2012 (Apple 3 year PnL). Due to their research intensive nature to keep innovation ahead of competitors, Apple becomes less cost-effective in saturated markets and is exposed to greater risk if it’s R&D does not come through (source). Legal The intellectual property war has long being used as tool in technology and management strategy by companies such as Apple to gain strategic advantage against their competitors. Apple alone has filled as many as 250,000 patents for the IPhone and other Smartphone covering the design and functionality of these products (Cusumano, 2008). Apple had lawsuits all around the world with its competitors such as Samsung, Motorola and Nokia both suing and being sued over violation of each other’s patents (source). One such case is the lawsuit in the U.S between the Apple and one of its top smart phone competitor; Samsung in which the jury awarded Apple $1.05 billion in damage and ordered some of Samsung’s Smartphone products off shelf in parts of the US (source). This verdict allows the IPhone to gain distinctive advantage in the US market and at the same time helped Apple in advertising and broadcast IPhone originality. In addition the amount of damage awarded to Apple could be counted as revenue which eventually increases the profit margin significantly for of Apple that quarter. In conclusion, while most lawsuits Apple filed comes with little success, any court decisions that verdict in favor of Apple’s patents will likely allow IPhone to remain distinctive in the market (Cusumano, 2008). Industry (Competitive) Analysis 815 Michael Porter’s 5-forces model Apple’s competitive position and its attractiveness in the smart-phone market can be explained in analyzing the Porter’s 5-Forces framework (Porter, 1980). Using the competitive forces, it would identify the competitiveness and its ability to position itself with diversification. It will show its sustainability and profitability of its iPhone series. Threat of Potential Entry/Barriers to entry – LOW The smart-phone industry is saturated and poses strong barriers to potential entrants who are keen to enter the market. Presently, there are a few well-established competitors that have a large market share and economies of scale which limits new entrants from entering. Its strong brand presence and consumer loyalty is a hindrance to potential entrants (Bostic, 2013). New entrants require a large amount of capital investment, so as to compete against the market leaders. Due to large economies of scale, it is nearly impossible for this new entrants to enter and gain substantial market share. Sometimes, there is a need for new entrant to innovate such as creating distinctive features or software to compete. But this usually brought about by lack of resources as investing in ample resources does not come cheap. Legal terms such as patents and trademarks serves as a barrier to new entrants. New entrants also face barriers such as legal terms. These are usually patents or trademarks that the dominants players have. This market leaders such as Apple Inc have patents on its designs of iPhones including software such as iTunes. This prevents any infringements from new entrants to copy similar ideas. After all, Apple is still a dominant player in the smart-phone market and competing against Apple really requires a new entrant high start-up costs. Reference: Bostic, K, (2013), â€Å"Study finds 20% of Apple iPhone users switched away from Android in past year†, Apple Insider Porter, M, (1980), â€Å"Competitive Strategy: Techniques for analyzing industries and competitors†, Free Press, Simon & Schuster Adult Publishing Group Rivalry between competitors – HIGH The smart-phone market is very well-developed and there is a high degree of concentration. It is controlled by a few large competitors which are Apple’s strong rivalry. This are dominant smart-phone players such as Samsung, LG and HTC Mobile which has high capital investments. Smart-phones have become a commodities item that any person will require. As such, dominant players have been placing an emphasis on competitive pricing. This will enable them to gain an edge over competitors. These competitors are generally of comparable size with Apple in its operations. Due to stiff rivalry, Apple will differentiate itself in terms of design features and functionalities. Its competitors have also aggressively seek a leadership position in the smart-phone market by constantly innovating and seeking new changes. The result of technology advancement has also caused an increased competition to seek change in the industry. This in turn results in rivalry among smart-phone players to stream line its products and constantly refreshed its gadgets to meet the demand, so as to stay in competition. (Apple Inc Report, 2009). References: Apple Inc. SEC 2009 Form 10-K Filing Page 16 Threat of substitutes – MODERATE It may seems that Apple has a variety of substitutes in the market, but the nature of Apple’s products sets itself apart from competitors. Although it may seem that Apple has an extensive array of substitutes in the market, but its proprietary nature of products sets itself apart from competitors. Presently, its threat of substitutes of its smart-phones (e.g: iPhone5) are still moderate. But competitors are already riding on its successes by constantly innovating and substitutes it with a similar product in the market. In general, Apple sources its parts from various suppliers, thus keeping itself unique in the smart-phone market. As such, Apple still have to constantly stay innovative and price conscious so as to effectively positioned itself against other competitors with a strong branding and following. As such, its differentiation strategy can effectively diversified itself from others. Bargaining Power (buyers) – LOW There are many smart-phone brands in the market that is a substitute to Apple’s iPhones, but the bargaining power by buyers remain low. The main fact is that Apple’s focuses on differentiating its products from its competitors. Its unique designs, features and cult marketing are testimony to its loyalty by buyers. Its niche market in the smart-phone industry also makes buyers less sensitive on product pricing. Customers or loyal fans of Apple are still willing to pay regardless of the price. Although major retailers or businesses have some relative power to bargaining due to its bulk volume, individual buyers still have no control especially on their product pricing. Apple’s lack of third party options also means that buyers have less options for other product. Bargaining Power (Suppliers) – LOW Apple relies on a variety of suppliers in its manufacture for smartphones. Usually, it is not limited to just one single supplier for various components in the assembly of its smartphones. As such, this leaves Apple’s suppliers with less bargaining power over prices. This enables Apple to successfully create a competitive advantage over its competitors in the market (Apple Annual Report, 2012). Due to its bulk quantities of components, Apple Inc can have a leverage over suppliers through negotiating better terms and pricing. This allows Apple to have a lower cost structure and ensures a higher profit margin as compared to its competitors. Apple’s Strategic Capabilities 684 Analysis Apple’s integrated system of hardware and software has enabled the firm to successfully market and develop to be their most valuable strategic resources (Dhaliwal, 2009). It was their former CEO, Steve Jobs that pulled Apple’s back to the growth stage. Apple’s talented team of software engineers, programmers and designers are the firm’s key resources in innovating. This enables Apple to utilize their knowledge to successfully create a tailored hardware and software system which serve as its key capabilities. Its integration in its key capabilities has allowed Apple to create a competitive advantage and sustainability in the market (â€Å"Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition,†2009). Resource/Capability| Value| Rare| Imitate| Non-substitution| Relationships with OEMs| √| | √| | Retail locations| √| √| √| | Tailored Hardware/Software Systems| √| √| √| √| Figure 1: VRIN Table Applying VRIN, The VRIN model, a four key criteria resource-based view, examines if Apple Inc. uses its strategic resources to create a competitive advantage. Relationships with OEMs Apple holds good relations with its OEM business partners in China. It includes companies such as Foxconn and Hon Hai Precision Industry. This close relationships that the firm maintains with its partners assures that the outputs produced are superior and of high quality. This allows Apple to be ahead of other smart-phone manufacturers who prefers not to outsource production. Value: Its strong relationships maintained with its business partners allow Apple to take advantage of opportunities by Foxconn, such as cheap manufacturing costs. This ensures that the firm can provide a sustained value in its products and thus reducing any threats (Barney, 1991). Inimitability: Competitors can still imitate by following Apple’s strategy of finding an OEM partner. But what sets Apple apart from the rest, is its ability to maintain its development of software, which others has problems imitating despite having an OEM partner. The intention of Apple Inc. is to integrate multiple functions into developing an Apple product. This will ensure Apple’s users get the most value when they purchase the final product. Apple Inc. ability of combining all 5 aspects of key strategic resources/capabilities into one, allows the firm to be ahead of competitors due to its sustained value and its success in taking opportunities and reducing threats. (Barney, 1991). Retail Locations The introduction of Apple’s retail stores provide the corporation with a physical presence and convenience to its customers. It allows Apple to create a store image by providing an attractive store front and superior customer service. This key resource serves as an important value to Apple which is a relative rarity in the industry. Value: Its strategic locations of its retail stores worldwide provide consumers with the ability to reach its products easily. This gives Apple a competitive advantage against competitors. Rarity: Apple’s strategy in positioning its store and differentiating its products ensures that the firm is in a leadership position. Its unique factors of its strategic retail location are a rarity to the organization. Talented software development teams Apple has a capable team of software developers. This are often carefully chosen by the corporation and serves as Apple’s most talented programmers. They assist Apple with introducing important products. But often developers of this caliber are not rare in the IT industry, neither are they tough to imitate. Hence other smart-phone manufacturers such as Samsung Mobile can also train or hire strong caliber of developers too. Industrial Design Capability Industrial design capability is one of Apple Inc. strategic resource that serves as a function of its innovation ability. Its capability of its innovative design teams are valuable to the corporation. Its innovative design teams also have strong teamwork which forms one of Apple Inc. strategic resource too. This enables Apple to indeed be very valuable, rare among its competitors and also its difficulty in imitation. Tailored Hardware/Software Systems Apple Inc. competitive advantages among competitors are having a tailored hardware and software systems. It is one of Apple’s most important abilities as it is only specifically designed and built in its integrated products. Its ‘closed system’ styles also form its specialty as most competitors relied on third party software. One example would be Samsung Mobile adopting the Google’s Android market. Its capability of combining its own design, software development, hardware programmers ensures its competitive advantage. Value: The benefits of having its own hardware and software ensure that the firm provides value to its consumers. Rarity: The rarity of having a dynamic team of talented staff allows the firm to develop specialized hardware and software which are unique to the company. This are important factors which identifies Apple’s power in the industry. Inimitability: Apple’s inimitability in most of its strategic capabilities allows the firm to be of a competitive advantage than its competitors. In particular, its tailored software, iOs app store was developed ahead of its competitor, Samsung mobile who adopted the Google Play store. Though Apple has a talented team of software developers, this is still inimitable as competitors can train and develop staff. In general, Apple’s strong strategic capabilities still prevent competitors from intimidating. Non-substitution: In general, Apple’s products are substitutable with alternative products. The reason that sets apart from its competitors is its brand identity and its tailored hardware and software. This development serves as a unique factor which no third-party can substitute. Sustainability as Competitive Advantage To successfully sustain Apple’s continued performance and competitive advantage, its management may consider seeking exclusive partnerships or arrangements with its OEM partners to bring costs down and probably reaching out to more countries with expansion of Apple’s stores. These strategies will allow Apple to continually lead the market with its dominance and market share. Value The intention of Apple Inc. is to integrate multiple functions into developing an Apple product. This will ensure Apple’s users get the most value when they purchase the final product. Apple Inc. ability of combining all 5 aspects of key strategic resources/capabilities into one, allows the firm to be ahead of competitors due to its sustained value and its success in taking opportunities and reducing threats. (Barney, 1991). Rare In the smart-phone industry, there are many brands that compete directly with Apple iPhones. But what stands out against competitors is Apple’s ability to position and differentiate its products. Its innovativeness in industrial design, specialized hardware/software and its strategic retail location allows Apple to gain its uniqueness in the market. This assures Apple Inc. as a successful organisation due to its brand identity and superior quality.Inimitate Apple’s inimitability in most of its strategic capabilities allows the firm to be of a competitive advantage than its competitors. In particular, its tailored software, iOs app store was developed ahead of its competitor, Samsung mobile who adopted the Google Play store. Though Apple has a talented team of software developers, this is still inimitable as competitors can train and develop staff. In general, Apple’s strong strategic capabilities still prevent competitors from inimitating. Non-substitution Generally, Apple’s products are substitutable with alternative products. The only reason that sets apart from its competitors are its brand identity and ability to keep hold of Apple’s fans. Its talented teams of software developers and tailored hardware/software are an uniqueness to Apple and no third-party can be substituted. Business Strategy 781 Strategy Statement An analysis shows that there is a strategy shift in Apple for its smart Phone business as the company had a change in leadership since 2012. Apple’s current goal is to give its consumer the best product experience by offering superior high and low-middle end products that are user friendly, innovative in design and feature, integrate seamlessly and excellence sales and post-sale support experience for consumers (forbes). Generic Competitive Strategy Apple’s is pursuing a hybrid combination of product differentiation and cost leadership strategy. With the combination of the 2 strategy, Apple managed to achieve high profit margin where it produces its smart phone cheaply and selling them at a premium price. Competitive scope (broad target) Under Tim cook’s (CEO of Apple from 2012- current) lead, Apple started to explore new territory by building on the success of its current smart phone business unit and expanding it into emerging markets. This strategy is seen to be put into action with the announcement of the IPhone 5s and IPhone 5c (a watered-down version of the IPhone series) launch (Apple main website). With the dual launch of the IPhone 5s and IPhone 5c, Apple managed to position its product in both the premium and non-premium category respectively that offers 2 price points. The IPhone 5s will continue to address their current market while the IPhone 5c will catered to more price sensitive customer base especially from the emerging market. Competitive Advantage (Lower cost and Differentiation) Given that Apple will be having a dual IPhone launch with almost the same design, features and running on the same operating system (ISO 7), it will achieve economies of scope where cost factors such as advertising and research and development will be shared. In addition, the 2 IPhone caters to different market segment, allowing Apple to have a larger addressable market where economies of scales can be achieved by driving supplier’s cost down with the promise of increase order quantity. These factors will help Apple deliver cost leadership in the smart phone industry. However despite the increasing effort in research and development to bring about innovation and to differentiate their smart phone, Apple failed to produce sufficient uniqueness and dimension that is valued by their consumer. In fact, Apple is replicating its previous IPhone model with minimum introduction of ‘game-changing’ features. The company’s reduce pace of innovation can be inferred fro m its latest launched flagship IPhone, the IPhone 5s which retains the dimensions and design of its pervious flagship; Phone 5 with little addition to its feature and performance (yahoo news). Value Chain has been able to perfect the chain of activities in innovation. Apple starts from its new ideas of product design through R&D with its strategy capability and extensive funding. Then manufacturers it and finally markets it wholeheartedly. The process of transforming inputs into outputs compromises a number of primary and support activities†(Hill and Jones, 2001, p.133). Each value is considered to be a source of competitive advantage. Value chain analysis is a powerful tool for managers to identify the key activities within the firm which form the value chain for that organisation, and have the potential of a sustainable competitive advantage for accompany. Therein, competitive advantage of an organisation lies in its ability to perform crucial activities along the value chain better than its competitors Technology Development Buying and R&D Inbound Logistics Most components are generally available from multiple sources; a number of components are currently obtained from single or limited sources. Hardware products are manufactured by outsourcing partner primary in Asia e.g. Foxconn. Delegate raw materials acquisition – Apple works with its OEM partners to delegate the raw materials acquisition process but provides some supervision for quality control purpose. Automated receiving systems – Apple has implemented sophisticated automated receiving systems to speed up the receiving process and reduce facility footprint and storage space requirement That is a concern for suppliers. Apple’s smartphone margins are the highest in the industry. But as those margins come under pressure, Apple will push suppliers to cut costs. Flat-panel televisions followed a similar pattern, with margins for screens eventually falling to near break-even levels, says Alberto Moel, an analyst at Bernstein Research.( Outbound Logistics Apple used variety of direct and indirect distribution channel, such as retail stores,online stores and direct sales force, 3 Rd party cellular network carriers, wholesalers, retailers and value added resellers. Apple continue to expand and improve its distribution capacities by expanding the number of its own retail stores worldwide in order to ensure a high quality buying experience for its product. Economical packing – Apple employed teams of design and engineering experts who develop product packaging that’s slim and light yet protective. Efficient packaging design not only reduces materials and waste, it also helps reduce the emissions produced during transportation. Marketing & Sales References used: Dhaliwal, A. (2009). â€Å"Apple’s Q4 results beat analysts? Estimates; quarterly profit rises to $1.67 billion.†Top News, retrieved on September 14, 2010 from: â€Å"Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition.†(2009). Electronic Industry Code of Conduct. retrieved on September 14, 2010 from: Barney J, (1991), â€Å"Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage†, Journal of Management, vol. 17, no1, p99-125 Identifying the strategy Generic Competitive Strategy Apple is pursuing a broad differentiation strategy. Apple differentiates by offering high-quality, exceptional design, and personalized service. The scope of their strategy is broad targeting customers ranging from unsophisticated beginner users to specials needs power-users. 1) Cost-leadership 2) Differentiation Business Suitability Apple Inc. is concerned with which strategic directions and methods suggested addressed the issues the corporation faced (Johnson & Scholes, 2008). It assists in determining the business suitability of strategic choices which relates to the strategic position. To test on Apple’s suitability on its proposed business strategies, the Porter’s value chain model is chosen to consider the internal factors of the organization. Strategic Directions Market Penetration Presently, Apple’s infrastructure is very well established and developed. But the corporation should still continue in its infrastructure developments, so as to achieve back its high market share in the smartphone industry. Its market penetration business strategy relies heavily on its primary activities such as inbound logistics, outbound logistics; and sales and marketing. To continue moving towards the market penetration direction, its support activities do play apart. The technology development will then be in a position to assist the support to the proposed strategy. Product Development Apple may need to consider a strategic drift to gain a competitive advantage in its business strategy. The product development strategy gets its assistance from support activities such as developing new products to meet customer demands. To increase its firm performance and market share, Apple is introducing new features such as finger sensor on its new iPhone5s and also colored version of its iPhone5c ( This new features or product development somehow serves a determining factor whether Apple will achieve its business strategy or affects its corporate performance. Market Development At present, the firm is adopting the market development strategy. It assists Apple in venturing into new market segments. Thus, there is the importance to focus especially on the primary activities of inbound and outbound logistics, sales and marketing. Apple is still able to rely on its OEM partners for resources especially in manufacturing, which serves as Apple’s key competency. To move ahead, Apple might need to enter or develop new market, such as in developing markets which it has zero presence. With its strong alliance partner, such as Foxconn, Apple is able to utilize its logistics part and its strong sales and marketing to open up new market. Hence, these three suggested business strategies are suitable to evaluate the value chain, and Apple can carry any of these strategies ahead. Apple will need to consider which strategy will achieve its overall business objectives to sustain itself in the market. Conclusion Reference List 1) (reuters) 2) (Apple 3 year PnL) 3) Porter. ME, (2008), ‘The Five Competitive Forces that Sharpe Strategy’, Harvard Business Review, vol. 86, no. 1, pp. 78-93, Business Source Complete, (online) Available at: EBSCOhost database [Accessed:15 sept 2013] (Porter, 2008) 4) MacVarish, B. (2009, August 13). Guiding Principles of Apple Retrieved January 29, 2010, from (MacVarish, 2009) 5) Cusumano, M 2008, ‘Technology Strategy and Management: The Puzzle of Apple’, Communications Of The ACM, 51, 9, pp. 22-24, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 16 July 2013. (Cusumano, 2008) 6) (forbes) 7) ( (yahoo news) 8)
Friday, November 8, 2019
Free Essays on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
The consequences of trauma and PTSD vary greatly depending on the age of the victim, the nature of the trauma, the response to the trauma and the support to the victim in the aftermath. In general, victims of PTSD suffer reduced quality of life due to the intrusive symptoms which restrict their ability to function. They may alternate periods of overactivity with periods of exhaustion as their bodies suffer the effects of hyperarousal. Reminders of the trauma they suffered may appear suddenly, causing instant panic, and possible flashbacks. They become fearful, not only of the trauma itself, but of their own reactions to the trauma. Body signals that were once providers of essential information, become dangerous. For example, heart beat acceleration that might indicate over-exertion or excitement, becomes a danger signal in itself because it is a reminder of the trauma response, and therefore is associated with the trauma. The ability to orient to safety and danger becomes decreased w hen many things, or even everything, in the environment become perceived as dangerous. When the reminders of trauma become extreme, freezing or dissociation can be activated, just as if the trauma was occurring in the present. It can become a terribly vicious circle. Victims of PTSD can become extremely restricted, fearing to be together with others or go out of their homes. Child victims of trauma are a special area for study. Robert Pynoos at the University of California at Los Angeles is a pioneer in researching the impact of trauma on children and adolescents. Psychological and motor development can be arrested in child victims of trauma, leading to increasingly negative impact on their lives if they continue to mature without intervention to restore lost or undeveloped resources and skills (Pynoos 1993).... Free Essays on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Free Essays on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder After experiencing a traumatic event, the mind has been known to horde away the details and memories and then send them back at unexpected times and places, sometimes after years have passed. It does so in a haunting way that makes the recall just as disturbing as the original event. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is the name for the acquired mental condition that follows a psychologically distressing event "outside the range of usual human experience" (Bernstein, et al). There are five diagnostic criteria for this disorder and there are no cures for this affliction, only therapies which lessen the burden of the symptoms. The root of the disorder is a traumatic event which implants itself so firmly in the mind that the person may be shackled by the pain and distress of the event indeinately, experiencing it again and again as the mind stays connected with the past rather than the present, making it difficult to think of the future. The research on this topic is all rather recent as t he disorder was only added to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-III) in the last twenty years. Yet, the disorder is quite common, threatening to control and damage the lives of approximately eight percent of the American population [5% of men and 10% of women]. Any person is a potential candidate for developing PTSD if subject to enough stress. There is no predictor or determining factor as to who will develop PTSD and who will not. Although all people who suffer from it have experienced a traumatic event, not all people who experience a traumatic event will develop PTSD. Each person’s individual capacity for coping with catastrophic events determines their risk of acquiring PTSD. And not everyone will experience the same symptoms; some may suffer only a few mild symptoms for a short period of time, others may be completely absorbed, still others who experience great trauma may never develop any symptoms at all (Friedman). Mo... Free Essays on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder The consequences of trauma and PTSD vary greatly depending on the age of the victim, the nature of the trauma, the response to the trauma and the support to the victim in the aftermath. In general, victims of PTSD suffer reduced quality of life due to the intrusive symptoms which restrict their ability to function. They may alternate periods of overactivity with periods of exhaustion as their bodies suffer the effects of hyperarousal. Reminders of the trauma they suffered may appear suddenly, causing instant panic, and possible flashbacks. They become fearful, not only of the trauma itself, but of their own reactions to the trauma. Body signals that were once providers of essential information, become dangerous. For example, heart beat acceleration that might indicate over-exertion or excitement, becomes a danger signal in itself because it is a reminder of the trauma response, and therefore is associated with the trauma. The ability to orient to safety and danger becomes decreased w hen many things, or even everything, in the environment become perceived as dangerous. When the reminders of trauma become extreme, freezing or dissociation can be activated, just as if the trauma was occurring in the present. It can become a terribly vicious circle. Victims of PTSD can become extremely restricted, fearing to be together with others or go out of their homes. Child victims of trauma are a special area for study. Robert Pynoos at the University of California at Los Angeles is a pioneer in researching the impact of trauma on children and adolescents. Psychological and motor development can be arrested in child victims of trauma, leading to increasingly negative impact on their lives if they continue to mature without intervention to restore lost or undeveloped resources and skills (Pynoos 1993)....
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Californium Facts
Californium Facts Californium is a radioactive rare earth element that can be used as a neutron source. Atomic Number: 98Symbol: CfAtomic Weight: 251.0796Discovery: G.T. Seaborg, S.G. Tompson, A. Ghiorso, K. Street Jr. 1950 (United States)Word Origin: State and University of California Properties: Californium metal has not been produced. Californium (III) is the only ion stable in aqueous solutions. Attempts to reduce or oxidize californium (III) have been unsuccessful. Californium-252 is a very strong neutron emitter. Uses: Californium is an efficient neutron source. It is used in neutron moisture gauges and as a portable neutron source for metal detection. Isotopes: The isotope Cf-249 results from the beta decay of Bk-249. Heavier isotopes of californium are produced by intense neutron irradiation by the reactions. Cf-249, Cf-250, Cf-251, and Cf-252 have been isolated. Sources: Californium was first produced in 1950 by bombarding Cm-242 with 35 MeV helium ions. Electron Configuration [Rn] 7s2Â 5f10 Californium Physical Data Element Classification: Radioactive Rare Earth (Actinide)Density (g/cc): 15.1Melting Point (K): 900Atomic Radius (pm): 295Pauling Negativity Number: 1.3First Ionizing Energy (kJ/mol): (610)Oxidation States: 4, 3 References: Los Alamos National Laboratory (2001), Crescent Chemical Company (2001), Langes Handbook of Chemistry (1952), CRC Handbook of Chemistry Physics (18th Ed.)
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Lean Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Lean - Essay Example The lean system puts together equipments, labor, and material that are the fundamentals of production, in a perfect manner to minimize cost and maximize profit. Labor requirement is reduced as utilization of human resource both skilled and unskilled is maximized. The model allows productivity as machines are utilized to the maximum while the less productive one are disposed. This reduces delivery and production time as well as increasing the quality of the services and goods produced. It also provides an opportunity for continuous improvement as the equipment wear out and become less productive, and is replaced with efficient ones putting into consideration the technological advancement. Return on assets is increases significantly with lean manufacturing systems. Lean production involves a traffic flow of materials and labor that is smooth thus allowing insertion of conveyors, buffer stock, and balance automation. The flexibility of the model ensures the business keep pace with the market and accommodates changes in customer preference. Review of the system helps to do a competitive analysis and examination of technologies. The importance of lean manufacturing is very crucial in business strategies to increase productivity, increase efficiency, maximizing profit and increasing capital
Friday, November 1, 2019
Bronze Mirrors of Ancient Chinese Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Bronze Mirrors of Ancient Chinese Art - Essay Example In the beginning, bronze mirrors had a very low and rough quality. However, during the Warring States, Western and Eastern Han dynasties, these mirrors qualities had improved considerably. Like its glass counterpart, the bronze mirror is smoothly polished on one side to reflect the image of its user. The other side is decorated with inscriptions and adorned with carvings, thus turning it into a valuable art object. During the time of the Warring States, the mirror had a ring of decorations such as animal masks, dragons or flowers. When the Western Han phase begun the mirror became thicker with supernatural beings and geometric patterns. Apart from pictures, the mirrors were also beginning to contain inscribed words which stated emotions like "keep me in mind, forget me not." By the 10th century this mirror's shape began to change. It could be round or oblong and also be with or without handles. Bronze mirrors were found in the tombs of individuals living in Ancient China. These mirrors were said to represent love for the Chinese living in those times. As a love token, these mirrors were buried in tombs to ensure that the love was carried on in the afterworld. The belief held by the people of Ancient China meant that there a life in the hereafter. The soul was believed to live on after death. However, the trip to the afterlife meant that the dead would have to drink a potion. This potion was responsible for making them forget the memories of their lifetime. Couples who wished to remain together were buried with a half of the mirror. When they entered the afterworld, they would meet and match their mirrors. This allowed them to live their lives together. Thus, the bronze mirror was a symbol of love which allowed devoted couples to remain together during their lifetime and the love to prevail in the hereafter. The bronze mirror has been found in tombs and graves of many of those belonging to the Ancient Chinese civilization. This is because the mirror did not symbolize love alone. Some mirrors have been placed on top of burial chambers or at the four corners of a coffin. With placing like this it is evident that the mirror is sought to provide protection to those under it. The mirror was viewed as a spiritual entity. It was thought to assume a power that could ward of danger. Thus, by placing it on gravesites and tombs, those living in Ancient China hoped to discard and remove evil spirits that might threaten or endanger their paths. Another feature of the mirror was its ability to differentiate the corrupt from the honest. This was especially so because of the number of officials who worked in the Imperial courts in Ancient China. These individuals would be dishonest and create a deterrent for the ruling King to be successful. An Ancient Chinese myth claimed that the mirror could show the true divinity of the soul. While it was not helpful in removing the fraudulent officials of court, it was still held with the greatest regard by the people of the time. Thus, the mirror was also viewed as an object that did not merely reflect the physical image of its looker but also the spiritual essence of his soul. It was responsible for showing not only the faults of the gazer but also the knowledge he possessed. The mirror was felt to see the individual in their entirety. Bronze mirrors are found in various museums today and are a valued item
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