Thursday, December 26, 2019

The United States And The Civil War - 859 Words

For the first half of the 19th Century the, still relatively young, United States began to face many conflicts regarding civil rights as well as continuous opposing views between the North and South. One of the more prevalent issues at the time, even though both Democrat and Whig parties attempted to avoid talking about it, was regarding the institution of slavery and whether or not it was â€Å"right†. Another issue that arose was whether or not the country would go to war with Mexico after Democrat, and current president at the time, James K. Polk went to Congress with a declaration of war with the claim that on American soil, Mexico had caused the shedding of American blood. Furthermore, the war against Mexico would eventually ignite the debate of slavery even more and unfortunately lead to the events of the Civil War. The idea of abolishing slavery was becoming more popular during the 19th century and that struck fear into the South. In retaliation, the South configured th e idea of going to war as an opportunity to add more land to the country. However, southerners desired that the land obtained from the war would enter the union as slave states. Southern states were under-represented in the House and the addition of more slave states to the union would provide a shift in power towards the South and those Democrats representing the South that would allow them to be at ease knowing there was no threat to the institution of slavery. The Democrats of the South managed toShow MoreRelatedThe Civil War : The United States1622 Words   |  7 PagesThe Civil War divided the United States with its’ origin in the struggle to preserve the Union from the Confederacy’s succession. A war to maintain the United States quickly progressed to battles fought because of the controversial beliefs on slavery in the North and South. In the coming of the Civil War there were questions and confusion that many Americans were faced with in the words of the South ’s succession. During the war, families were torn due to the men lost to the Union or Confederate causesRead MoreThe United States Civil War918 Words   |  4 PagesThe United States civil war is thought of as what determined what kind of country we would be today. The U.S. civil war, otherwise known as the war of the states, began on April 12, 1861, and lasted until 1865. It consisted of the North (the Union) or the â€Å"free states†, against the South (the confederates) the slave states. When Abraham Lincoln became president in 1860 he made promises of free territories, which caused a division between men who owned slaves and men who agreed with Lincoln. SlavesRead MoreUnited States And The Civil War1668 Words   |  7 PagesUS Civil War United States of America was formed as a result of the revolution that continued from 1776 to 1783. After that, United States was divided into two wings/ parts that are the southern and the northern parts. Then conflict between the two aroused because the northern and the southern societies were totally different of each other in terms of economic structure, social class, politics and other social matters especially slavery. The civil war, that started in 1861 and ended in 1865, wasRead MoreThe Civil War : The United States909 Words   |  4 PagesThe Civil War was one of the most pivotal and significant moments in the history of the United States of America. Therefore, its impact of the Civil War was tremendous, and in many ways has shaped the way the United States has evolved into the present. The Civil War brought lots of beneficial changes to America including economic, agriculture, military, and people’s lives. During the Civil War, women stepped out of their domestic do mains to help or support their husbands in the field, or other soldiersRead MoreThe Civil War Of The United States1605 Words   |  7 PagesThe Civil War of the United States was a major and influential event in the history of our country. The Civil War shaped our nation and how we think of liberty in general. Such a big event in our antiquity must have been caused by a series of dominant events. However, a War of this size has many effects to go along with it. The most common effect thought of is the freedom of slaves, however, the Civil War was not just a war fought for freedom. One major cause of the Civil War was the issue of slaveryRead MoreThe Civil War Of The United States1561 Words   |  7 PagesCivil War Slaves Freedom can be defined as, â€Å"the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint†. (Definition) Everyone in the United States of America is entitled to this basic human right, presented to us by our founding fathers, though it was not always that simple. Even though it was in the Constitution, many people living before the mid 18th century in the United States were not extended this right, due to their nationality or lack of fortune. Someone lackingRead MoreThe United States And The Civil War920 Words   |  4 Pagesknown in the United States as simply the Civil War as well as other sectional names, was a civil war fought from 1861 to 1865 to determine the survival of the Union or independence for the Confederacy. Among the 34 states in January 1861, seven Southern slave states individually declared their secession from the United States and formed the Confederate States of America. The Confederacy, often simply called the South, grew t o include eleven states, and although they claimed thirteen states and additionalRead MoreThe Civil War Of The United States1233 Words   |  5 Pages â€Å"Blundering Generation† Division among a population for opposing goals wasn t a new concept brought to light by the Civil War. Almost one hundred years prior to the Civil War, inhabitants of the thirteen colonies fought against each other towards their differing support for their wages of unity. Patriots fought Loyalists for coalition of the colonies, and likewise Northerners now fought Southerners for the preservation of the Union. The imminent breakup of the Union, likewise to the dissolutionRead MoreThe Civil War Of The United States1440 Words   |  6 Pages The Civil War was one of the most deadly wars the United States ever fought it was fought between the North and South and to this day still leaves a big mark on the history of the United States. Though the Civil War seemed to be clear cut on what happened during the conflict its cause is to this day seemingly undecided. Was it the simple piece of legislature called the Kansas-Nebraska act that started it or the election of the United States president Abraham Lincoln that caused the turmoil? EitherRead MoreThe Civil War Of The United States1082 Words   |  5 Pagesof the United States was the Civil War. The Civil War is often remembered as the war to end slavery. While that did play a part of the Civil War the larger issue at hand was the annihilation of the United States of America. The Confederate States of America wanted to break away from the United States and form their own country. The Confederate States of America, or more commonly known as the Confederacy, was formed by seven slave states located in the southern region of the United States. The economy

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Behaviorism, Operant And Classical Conditioning - 1309 Words

This quote ties in to our topic of discussion, psychologist or any researcher at that matter will always be questioning. This is how we have come to learn as much as we have today. The psychologist were always coming up with new ideas and concepts and challenging them until they figured out how behavior works. Behaviorism is a school of thought that was joined from no other than John B. Watson. Behaviorism is the theory or doctrine that human or animal psychology can be accurately studied only through the examination and analysis of objectively observable and quantifiable behavioral events, in contrast with subjective mental states. Behaviorism was a movement in psychology and philosophy that emphasized the outward behavioral aspects of thought and dismissed the inward experiential, and sometimes the inner procedural, aspects as well; a movement harking back to the methodological proposals of John B. Watson, who coined the name. There are a couple of main components within behaviori sm, operant and classical conditioning. Operant conditioning in which an operant response is brought under stimulus control by virtue of presenting reinforcement contingent upon the occurrence of the operant response. B.F Skinner the more radical behaviorist coined the operant conditioning theory. He believed that through series of reinforcement a behavior will increase or a series of punishment a behavior will decrease. There are two types of reinforcement and two types of punishment.Show MoreRelatedBehaviorism And Classical Conditioning And Operant Conditioning Essay1504 Words   |  7 PagesBehaviorism is one of many theories in the field of psychology. It can be applied in different learning scenarios for different research purposes. Biographical information will be provided about the founders of the theory who are John B. Watson and B. F. Skinner. However, the information will focus more on their early education and known achievements. Furthermore, you will find different th eories regarding behaviorism such as classical conditioning and operant conditioning. In order to understandRead MoreBehaviorism Theory Of Classical Conditioning1700 Words   |  7 Pages Behaviorism is a theory that behavior can be altered through conditioning. Behaviorism does not focus on thoughts or feelings of the subject, just their behavior. Ivan Pavlov was a major part of this movement of behaviorism with his theory of classical conditioning. The most important part of classical conditioning is that it is done through repetition. In his experiment he began with noticing that an unconditioned stimulus like dog food causes an unconditioned response like salivation. He thenRead MoreWatson, Skinner and Tolman Essay1627 Words   |  7 Pagesfounder of behaviorism and B.F. Skinner is the founder of radical behaviorism, but Edward Tolman marches to a different drum and is known for developing cognitive theory. Herein we will compare and contrast each theory and formulate how eac h theory is imperative in 2012. John B. Watson Born January 9, 1878 John B. Watson is credited as the founder of behaviorism. Behaviorism is a theory that equates behavior to conditioning. Typical examples of behavior conditioning are classical conditioningRead MoreBehaviorism : A Psychological Perspective1018 Words   |  5 PagesPsychology 101 11/2/15 Behaviorism Behaviorism is a psychological perspective that focuses on an individual’s behavior. The main theorist behind this perspective was John Broadus Watson, who established the psychological school of behaviorism. Through his behaviorist views, he spectated the behavior of humans and animals when put into different situations. Watson published and article titled â€Å"Psychology as the Behaviorist Views it† where he explained his position on behaviorism. Watson stated that PsychologyRead MoreBehaviorism And The Operant Conditioning Theory Essay1415 Words   |  6 Pagesonly responded to external stimuli. Behaviorism, as explored by the before mentioned, is a biological basis of learning and focuses exclusively on observable behaviors. This includes Thorndike’s theory of connectionism, Pavlov’s classical conditioning and the well-known conditioning theory from Skinner—the operant conditioning model. However, many researchers did not like the one-size fit s all explanation of behaviorism. Cognitivism grew in response to behaviorism in an effort to better understandRead MoreClassical Conditioning Vs. Operant Conditioning Essay1088 Words   |  5 PagesDefine Classical Conditioning and Behaviorism. b) Identify the two major characteristics that distinguish classical conditioning from operant conditioning. Classical Conditioning is a type of learning process of an individual when they come in contact with certain stimuli. According to Pavlov, a Russian psychologist, he developed several experiments on learning and he discovered that classical condition is the basic form of learning for an individual. However, according to Pavlov, behaviorism is theRead More The Science of Psychology Essay1078 Words   |  5 Pagesto psychology, the most important being structuralism, functionalism, Gestalt, behaviorism, etc. The approach that deals with learning is behaviorism. Behaviorism was a movement in psychology and philosophy that emphasized the outward behavioral aspects of thought and dismissed the inward experiential aspects. It was proposed in 1913 by John B. Watson, who is known as the founder of behaviorism. Behaviorists are mainly concerned with the manner in which organisms learn orRead MoreBehaviorism s Theory Of Psychology983 Words   |  4 PagesClassification Behaviorism claims that â€Å"consciousness† is neither defined nor unable concept; that it is merely another word for the â€Å"soul† of more ancient time (Watson, 1970). However, behaviorism holds the subject matter of human psychology it focus on the behavior or activities of the human being. Etymology The word behaviorism originates from the Middle French word behavior, meaning the observable activity in human and animal. This term was coined in 1913 by the United States psychologistRead MoreUpchurch Shawna EDUC 205 Learning Theory Paper1384 Words   |  6 PagesAugust 14, 2014 Behaviorism Behaviorism is one of the most used theories in education. Due to it can fit in both a classroom setting and at home. Educators had sought out the reason why for many years. But due to each child learns a different way so should the educator. Behaviorism was study by many great Psychologists over the years. Just to name some that had done work and publish books on the subject are, John Watson, Ivan Pavlov, Clark Hull, and B.F. Skinner. Behaviorism is defined as,† aRead MorePsychological Conditioning and Theories of Behavior1013 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction- In the field of psychology, behaviorism was one of the theoretical ideas that changed quite drastically during the 20th century. Behaviorism tried to diminish the emphasis on the conscious and unconscious parts of the mind, instead putting forward a new way to look at human behavior that is empirical (observed, quantified, and measured). Ivan Pavlov, for instance, was researching the digestive systems of dogs and led him to the discovery of classical condition, a way to modify behaviors

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Mergers and Acquisitions for Poison Pill Defense - myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theMergers and Acquisitions for Poison Pill Defense. Answer: Introduction Mergers and Acquisitions are considered as two of the major aspects in the world business over the years. In general, mergers and acquisitions refer to the process of consolidation of the companies. It needs to be mentioned that there are various forms of mergers and acquisitions; they are acquisitions, mergers, tender offers, consolidations and others (Cartwright and Cooper 2012). The main aim of the report is to analyze and evaluate different dimensions of mergers and acquisitions and the report is based on the provided case study of Earling Construction Plc and Manco Construction Plc. Manco Plc should take the following steps to defend the takeover bid by Earling PLC: Manco Plc should adopt the strategy of Poison Pill Defense to defend the takeover from Earling PLC. Under thus strategy, the target company that is Manco Plc is required to dilute their shares in such a manner that Earling PLC needs to incur large amount of expenses for obtaining the controlling percentage of share (Rhee and Fiss 2014). As per the provided case study, the economic crisis badly hit Earling PLC economically. In this situation, the company would think twice before incurring large expenditure for the acquisition of Manco Plc. Apart from the above, Manco Plc can also adopt the strategy of Stock Repurchase to defend takeover. Under this process, Manco Plc needs to repurchase their shares from their shareholders to prevent this takeover from Earling PLC. Manco Plc can adopt these two techniques (Auerbach 2013). In general, Manco Plc can take the following techniques to defend any potential takeover: Manco Plc can adopt the strategy of Staggered Board under which only one third of the directors are reelected annually. Manco Plc can adopt the strategy of Shark Repellants in which the acquirer companies need a supermajority vote requirement for the takeover of the company. In addition, other techniques are Golden Parachute, Greenmail, Standstill Agreement and others (Ferris, Jayaraman and Sabherwal 2013). According to the provided case study, it is advised that Earling PLC is the predator and Manco Plc is the target. The justification is provided below with definition. Predator: In the process of mergers and acquisitions, a company with sufficient financial power can easily bear the associate risks of the process of takeover. For this reason, financial stronger companies are regarded as Predators. In this case, Earlings PLC has financial superiority than Manco Plc and thus, needs to be considered as predator (Jordan 2016). Target: In the merger and acquisition process, companies with less financial capability are considered as Target; as they can be easily takeover by more financially stable companies. As per the provided case study, Manco Plc needs to be considered as target due to their poor financial condition (Shi, Sun and Prescott 2012). As per the provided case study, Earlings PLC offered Manco Plc 4.75 per share while the actual value was 10.50 per share. It can be seen that Earling PLC is offering very less amount of the actual share value. However, in case of Management Buyout (MBO) strategy, Manco Plc can get higher price of share value than the offering of Earling PLC. For this reason, Manco Plc might consider a potential MBO (Mao and Renneboog 2015). The advantages and disadvantages of MBO are discussed below: Advantages The main advantage of MBO is that it increase the motivation of the employees as the overall success of the business create positive impact on them. The new owners of the business can make effective business decisions based on their experience as they have been the employees of the company for years. In case the business was a part of large group, MBO increases the efficiency of the business as the management does not have to discuss the decision with the head management of the group (Berry and Green 2016). Disadvantages In the process of MBO, the new management is required to put much effort to turn the business in a successful one. This can be considered as a disadvantage. In case, the business is struggling due to the lack of strengths, skills and vision of the management team, then the MBO is not going to be much helpful for the company (Mao and Renneboog 2015). Three major types of acquisitions are Horizontal Acquisition, Vertical Acquisition and Concentric Acquisition. These are discussed below with example: Horizontal Acquisition: Horizontal acquisition refers to the acquisition of one company by another company in the same industry. The main advantage of horizontal acquisition is that it expands the capacity of the acquirer while keeping the business operations same. The companies in this acquisition process involve in the selling of same product or services (Ferreira et al. 2014). Example: The acquisition of Instagram by Facebook can be presented as a major example of horizontal acquisition. This acquisition took place in the year 2012 and the reported value was $1 billion. It is regarded as horizontal acquisition as both Facebook and Instagram operates in the same industry with same services that is photo sharing ( 2018). Vertical Acquisition: Vertical acquisition refers to the acquisition of one company by another company in the same industry, but both of them occupy different position in the supply chain of the industry. The main advantage of vertical acquisition is that it establish cooperation between the companies by improving efficiency and lowering the overall cost (Frsard, Hoberg and Phillips 2014). Example: The acquisition of PayPal by Ebay in the year 2002 can be well presented as the example of vertical acquisition. This can be considered as the example of vertical acquisition as both the companies operates in the online platform, but provides different services. Ebay involves in online shopping, but PayPal involves in online payment and money transfer ( 2018). Concentric Acquisition: In the process of concentric acquisition, the two companies involved belong to the same or related industry, but they do not involve in the offering of same products or services. However, these companies may use similar distribution channel (Risberg 2013). Example: The acquisition of Travelers Insurance by Citigroup can be considered as a perfect example of concentric acquisition. This is called concentric acquisition as both Citigroup and Travelers Insurance belong to financial industry, but both of them involves in the offering of different products and services ( 2018). From the provided case study, it can be seen that both the companies that are Earling Construction PLC and Manco Construction Plc belong to the same industry that is the construction industry. From this, it is clear that both the companies involves in the offerings of same construction related products and services. Hence, it implies that both the companies operates in the same industry and sell same products and services. For all these reasons, the acquisition of Manco PLC can be classified as horizontal acquisition as it possesses all the features of horizontal acquisition (Ferris, Jayaraman and Sabherwal 2013). The seven reasons of acquisition for Earling PLC are discussed below: The major reason of acquisition for Earling PLC is survival. The case study states that the economic crisis of 2008 affected Earling PLC in a bad manner. In this kind of situation, acquisition was one of the ways for Earling PLC to survive and remain in the competition (Cartwright and Cooper 2012). It is possible for Earling PLC to ensure growth from the positive effects of acquisition. Most of the time, acquisition ensures satisfactory and balance growth of the business (Vazirani 2012). It would be possible for Earling PLC to gain necessary competitive advantage and bigger market share due to the acquisition as it improves the distribution and marketing networks. It would also help Earling PLC in developing wide customer base (Cartwright and Cooper 2012). Diversification of products and services world be another reason for Earling PLC for adopting the strategy of acquisition and it can complement the current product and services of the company (Vazirani 2012). It can be happened that the management of Earling PLC failed to identify eligible successor of the company. In this situation, the option of acquisition can provide Earling PLC with the option of eligible leadership (Vazirani 2012). Reduction or cutting of costs could be another major reason for Earling PLC for acquisition as the acquisition of two companies with same services is effective in cost reduction (Vazirani 2012). Better financial planning would be possible for Earling PLC due to the positive effects of acquisition. The collective finances of both the companies can be resulted in better financial planning (Cartwright and Cooper 2012). Among many cases, the acquisition of Volvo and Renault in the year 1993 as both the companies failed to address the ownership structure of them after the process of acquisition. Both the companies were supposed to save $5 billion from this acquisition. However, the main reason for the failure of this acquisition was the consideration of the problem related to the combination of investors-owned company with the government-owned company. Due to this acquisition, the shareholders of Volvo would have left with 35% stake in the combined company and the rest was controlled by the government of France ( 2018). Thus, the shareholder of Volvo could not accept the selling of the prized company to the French Government. These were the major reasons for the failure of this acquisition. The acquirer companies can use various ways to pay for the target companies in the process of take over. Three of these major ways are discussed below: Payment in Cash: Cash payment is considered as one of the most popular ways for the payment of takeover in acquisition process. Cash transaction is considered as clean, instantaneous and it does not require high level of management as compared to the stock payment. The shareholders who are not able to sell their shares prefer the payment of takeover through cash (Harford, Humphery-Jenner and Powell 2012). Most importantly, the shareholders do not have the worry about the future performance of their companies that has impact on the amount they will be paid. There are both advantages and disadvantages of the process of cash payment. In the process of competitive bidding, the target companies always prefer cash payment for the process of takeover. However, the main disadvantage is that the shareholders of the target company will not receive any dividend in case the company performs well in near future. It implies that the shareholders of the target company are taking cash instead of fut ure performance bonus and they ate blocked from any future gains (Harford, Humphery-Jenner and Powell 2012). Payment with Stock: It is considered as another popular ways of payment in the process of takeover. In the process of payment with stock, the shareholders of the target company swap their shares for the shares of the acquirer company (Fu, Lin and Officer 2013). The payment by the shares is essential for the target companies when their shareholders do not want to recognize any kind of taxable gains in the near future. It implies that the shareholders of the target companies do not have to pay income taxes on the acquisition process due to the absence of cash transaction. This option of financing is considered as the most safe way to pay for the takeover as both the acquirer and the selling company share the risks on an equal basis. In case the stocks are overvalued, the particular way becomes largely beneficial for the acquirers (Fu, Lin and Officer 2013). At the same time, the acquirer firms have to bear the risk of decline in the stock price. Thus, there are both advantages and disa dvantages. Debt Acquisition: The agreement to take on the debt of the seller is considered as one of the major ways of the payment for takeover and it is also considered as a viable alternative of cash payment and share payment (Phan 2014). For many business organizations, debts become one of the major forces to be acquired. In this position, it is the priority of the debtors of the target companies to be acquired by a company that can pay the debt. At the same time, from the point of view of the creditors, this way can be considered as one of the cheapest way for the acquisition of assets. At the same time, this way is also beneficial from the perspective of the shareholders of the target company as they do not have to pay income taxes until they receive the payment of debt. At the time of takeover under this payment process, the sellers is required to be sure about the financial stability of the acquirer (Phan 2014). In case the acquirer become bankrupt, the shareholders of the target or sell er company would be fallen under the creditors of the acquirer. Thus, this way also has certain advantages and disadvantages. Advised Finance Technique: The above discussion evaluates three ways of payment for a takeover. It can be observed that all the three ways have some advantages and some disadvantages. Based on the above discussion, it is advised that Earling PLC should adopt the way for cash payment for the takeover considering the advantages of this technique. Payment through cash is a clear process that needs less management involvements. After that, the shareholders of the seller company do not have to depend in the performance of the shares as the payment is done in cash. Most importantly, the shareholders of the seller company cannot claim any future gain of the company (Ferris, Jayaraman and Sabherwal 2013). For all these reasons, Earling PLC is required to adopt the strategy of cash payment for financing the takeover. It needs to be mentioned that there are many risks involved in the process of acquisition and there is not any exception of this fact in case of Manco PLC. From the provided case study, it can be seen that Earking PLC is considering offering a paper offer to Manco PLC for acquisition that is one share of Earling PLC is for every share of Manco PLC. In case, this deal is extended, Manco PLC can face some deals. First, Manco PLC can lose the deal as it is a good deal for the company. After that, there is a possibility that Manco PLC can face legal risks due to not compliance with the laws and regulations. Most importantly, Manco PLC can face the risk of closing down the business due to be not acquired (Weber and Yedidia Tarba 2012). Conclusion As per the above discussion, it can be seen that Manco Plc should adopt the strategy of Poison Pill and Stock Repurchases against the takeover of Earlings Plc. The discussion also shows that Earling Plc is the predator due to financial superiority and Manco Plc is the target. The study shows the advantages and disadvantages of management buyout in the process of acquisition. As per the above discussion, three kinds of acquisition are there; they are Horizontal Acquisition, Vertical Acquisition and Concentric Acquisition and the takeover of Manco Plc by Earling Plc is the example of horizontal acquisition. It can also be seen that the companies can use various strategies to pay for the process of acquisition like cash payment, stock payment, debt acquisition and others. References Auerbach, A.J. ed., 2013.Corporate takeovers: Causes and consequences. University of Chicago Press. Berry, D.F. and Green, S., 2016.Cultural, structural and strategic change in management buyouts. 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Monday, December 2, 2019

The Role of Communication in Team Dynamics Essay Example

The Role of Communication in Team Dynamics Essay One of the most critical, if not the most critical aspect of team dynamics is communication. Effective or ineffective communication can lead to a team being extremely efficient and successful, or inefficient and a terrible failure. â€Å"Ineffective communication can be a source of discontent in a team† (Newson, 2006). The purpose of team communication is to enhance team performance; therefore, it is each team member’s responsibility to ensure effective communication. Communication is an observable aspect of coordination, and insights into observable behaviors which predict high or low performances can be gained by team communication analysis† (Hutchins et al. 1999). Four crucial elements teams must possess to communicate effectively are a willingness to have open authentic discussions, active listening, willingness to confront conflicts, and understanding. There are several factors a team has to consider when creating the environment for open authentic discussion s. One of the key factors is determining how each individual on the team communicates, and to access each individual team member’s strengths and weaknesses as it pertains to clearly expressing their views and opinions. Once this information is captured, then members will have a better understanding as to how to get all team members to participate in discussing key topics related to team goals. It is important that team members who are more expressive do not use this as an opportunity to dominate a more introverted team member. Clear objective conversations should be encouraged. Team members should present information in a very black and white manner (factual). Open discussions are a great way to get to know your team members. These discussions will reveal thing about your teammates that will help in your team’s communication process. So, encourage open discussions, this will lead to team trust. When team members are having discussions it is necessary that everyone is being an active listener. Team members should show an interest in the information being delivered by the speaker, before responding or reacting to anything that was said by the speaker. We will write a custom essay sample on The Role of Communication in Team Dynamics specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Role of Communication in Team Dynamics specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Role of Communication in Team Dynamics specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Team members should ask questions and/or summarize the information that was given to ensure understanding. Active listening can also be called sympathetic listening and it can be broken down into a four-step process. First, mimic the content. Second, rephrase the content. Third, reflect feelings, i. e. , understand the other persons feelings as well as your own. Fourth, empathize, rephrase the content and reflect feelings (Christol, 2008). The goal here is to try to understand the person’s thoughts and feelings to gain a better understanding. Asking questions such as â€Å"Let me make sure I heard you correctly†¦Ã¢â‚¬  or â€Å"Let me make sure I have everything†¦Ã¢â‚¬ , is an excellent sign that someone is actively listening. In class discussions are a perferct example of listening actively. While the professor is speaking the student is having constent conversation with the professor to ensure their understanding. Active listening can be taught and is a skill that needs to be practiced and incorporated into our daily communication. Being able to confront conflict within a team is also key to communication. There will not always be harmony within teams. Sometimes when things are not made clear, conflict shows it’s ugly head. A team charter is an example to how to make things clear within a team, which should address specifics about exactly what to expect from team members in order to achieve the team’s overall goals (University of Phoenix, 2008). There will be times where team members will have to agree to disagree in order to resolve conflicts. Remember, a team consists of three or more people and each person is unique in their own way. Therefore, it’s not a matter of if conflict will happen, it’s a matter of when will conflict happen in my team. No one likes to confront conflict by nature; however, we need to know how to confront it whenever it arises. Honesty is a great approach when confronting conflict. Team members will have a greater respect for you if you can approach them with honesty. This ties back to having those open authentic discussions. Although being open and honest may step on some toes, ultimately, it’s worth it in order to resolve the conflict. If things can’t be resolved among team members, it is ok to involve a mediator such as a faculty member, but beware. Faculty members will revert to your team charter to determine what your team agreed upon as it pertains to conflict resolutions. Be sure your charter is very specific. There will be instances that will be unavoidable and uncontrollable when dealing with teams. We are human beings and life happens whether we want it to or not. Our children get sick, our cars break down, and family members pass away. These are just a few of the things we need to have some level of understanding when it comes to teams. Once again, here is where the charter will play a role. There needs to be a revision in the charter that pertains to what if a team member is not able to participate on an assignment due to an emergency? How will this be addressed as a team? If the team has built a solid relationship, it will not be difficult for the members to step up in the absence of another member. However it is critical that the team member who is experiencing the emergency contact the other team members the moment it is known that he or she will not be able to deliver or perform the task the other team members expect them to have. If this is done, this will allow the other team members to make whatever adjustments they need to their schedules to manage the unexpected added responsibility. Life happens, but with effective communication there is no challenge that cannot be managed. In conclusion, according to Jim Temme and Jeanine Katzel (1995, 14), involvement must truly be auspicious. Team members need to hear each other’s suggestions and act on them when needed. To participate authentically means all ideas are ok and good ones are rewarded with positive feedback. When team members criticize each other’s ideas causes them to keep things to themselves. Team intimacy is achieved when there is open communication and no fear of making comments. Keeping in mind the authentic discussions, active listening, willingness to confront conflict and understanding are the keys to effective communication within teams. References Christol, T. (2008, May). Active Listening vs. Effective Listening. Tactical Response, 6(3), 60-62,65. Retrieved July 22, 2008, from ProQuest Central database. (Document ID: 1489166611). Newson, P. (2006, December). Participate effectively as a team member. Nursing Residential Care, 8(12), 541-544. Retrieved July 22, 2008, from CINAHL Plus with Full Text database. Temme, J. , Katzel, J. (Jan 9, 1995). Calling a team a team doesnt mean that it is: successful teamwork must be a way of life. Plant Engineering, 49, n1. p. 112(2). Retrieved July 22, 2008, from General OneFile via Gale: http://find. galegroup. com/ips/start. do? prodId=IPS University of Phoenix. (2008). Week Two overview. Retrieved July 22, 2008, from University of Phoenix, Week Two, rEsource. GEN300- Managing Learning Team Conflict.