Sunday, May 17, 2020
The Medieval period started at the fifth century and end...
The Medieval period started at the fifth century and end around the fourteenth century. Many historical events took place during this era such as the collapse of the roman empire, deaths of millions from the bubonic plague, a shift in paradigm for european’s world view, trade routes through europe, and the Norman’s conquest. The Roman church became very powerful and dictated peoples live through religion. During this time period, Kings and Queens while working alongside Christianity, gave society the worldview of feudalism. Due to feudalism and fear of sinning against the church, human civilization had hit a roadblock and made no new discoveries in scientific advancements and technology. Humanism broke most of the chains from the medieval†¦show more content†¦Men began to go to college to become lawyers, doctors, and fan out into other great and intellectual fields. Artists and writers began to have other worldly themes then past artists who were mostly all re ligious base. Individualism began to also emerge and gave the human civilization an another world view. People began to improve themselves and strive for more than what they were born with or into. Feudalism began to become a thing of the past. Society believed that education was need to give a individual creativity and well-roundedness. Their education was based primarily on the study of language, grammar, history, music, astronomy, literature, and mathematics. The renaissance didn’t really began to make a strong foundation for itself until the Henry VIII became king. Due to the increasing acceptance to the renaissance era, humanism, and the noticeability of the corruption of the church. The church decided to enter a phase of reformation. In the past, people came to the church to challenge its role in society but each and every challenge was turned down. Until Martin Luther nailed a paper to the church door called the ninety five theses. The ninety five theses was composed of the many different things and ideas that were wrong with church such as the corruption within its walls. Royalty defiance was also another one of the many pushers for the reformation. Many oaths were suggested between the church and royalty regarding who would have what final say inShow MoreRelatedHuman Primates, Humans, And Humans1679 Words  | 7 PagesHumans evolve from apelike ancestors approximately five million years ago. Most closely related to us are our non-human primates such as African great apes, chimpanzees and gorillas. Scientific studies reveal that more si milar traits are being share by human and our non-human primates compared to other animals. As human evolve from our apelike ancestors, changes in our DNA differentiate ourselves from our non-human primate. 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